Intended for ages 4-8, the text in this book is featured in Spanish. Certain sea slugs have developed a remarkable defensive adaptation - they can use the stinging cells of the sea anemones they eat to protect themselves. Whether adapting over millions of years or in the blink of an eye, "How Do Animals Adapt" examines the ever-changing world of animals.
Intended for ages 4-8, the text in this book is featured in Spanish. This book reveals some of the more than 800 different types of dinosaur bodies, in addition to feeding and hunting habits, nests, eggs, fossils, and extinction theories.
Intended for ages 4-8, the text in this book is featured in Spanish. Today, there are more than 300 different breeds around the world! "What is a Horse" explores the family tree of horses and their equine relatives including their physiology, feeding habits, the birth of a foal, 'horse sense', and horses in the wild.
Intended for ages 4-8, the text in this book is featured in Spanish. Dogs are believed to be the first animals to live with people as pets. "What is a Dog?" explains how these once-wild members of the animal kingdom still use their senses and instincts in daily living as well as in helping people.
Introduces fishes, showing and describing different types including freshwater and saltwater, and discussing their anatomy, habitats, reproduction, and diet.
Children love horses! Today, there are more than 300 different breeds around the world! What is a Horse? explores the family tree of horses and their equine relatives including their physiology, feeding habits, the birth of a foal, "horse sense", and horses in the wild.
Starting with the sun, food chains link together plants and animals in various ecosystems to help them survive. Kids will be fascinated by these chains and their own links to the natural world.