Read all about primary colors, and how they mix together to make secondary colors.

Children will enjoy reading that art can be made from any kind of material, even unusual things such as trash or old bicycle parts.

Read about the ways painters, musicians, and dancers are able to tell stories in art and make the viewer feel a certain way.

Different problems need different solutions, but engineers follow the same steps to solve them. Discover the path engineers take to find new solutions or improve old ones.

Read about the kinds of jobs that people do as engineers, and how they use math, science, and creative thinking to solve problems.

Engineers don't give up when they fail to solve a problem. Discover why learning from mistakes helps guide engineers to find the best solution.

Read about some of the things that engineers design, such as bridges and water systems, to improve life in our communities.

Different art forms require different kinds of tools. Read about the tools different artists use, such as brushes for painting, computers for digital art, and instruments for music. connect core arts concepts to other STEAM topics.