The Fatal Trip

by Michael Underwood

Published 1 January 1977

Stephen Burley was standing trial for the theft of GBP20,000 in cash from his employers, Rickard's Motors.

Detective Sergeant Nick Atwell, the investigating officer in charge of the enquiries, had become uneasy about the case. Burley had fainted in the dock when he was convicted, and Nick interpreted this as another sign of his innocence.

Nick appeals to his young wife, Clare, for help, and on various pretences Clare embarks on some very tricky enquiries of her own ...

Menaces, Menaces

by Michael Underwood

Published December 1976

The first 'menaces' brought Herbert Sipson, professional blackmailer, to the dock, charged with having demanded GBP10,000 from a bingo company under threat of bombing their premises.

The second is a demand for GBP100,000 from the Swallow Sugar Corporation under threat of introducing ground glass into some of its bags of sugar on the supermarket shelves. It, too, bears all the hallmarks of a Herbert Sipson scheme. But it arrives on the opening day of Herbert's trial and he has been locked up in prison. How can he be responsible?

The Crime of Colin Wise

by Michael Underwood

Published 17 September 1979

The crime is murder - cold blooded, pre-meditated and motivated by sheer greed.

Colin Wise, a television repair man, is a well-mannered youngster. Among the homes he visits is that of Geoffrey Goodwin, whom he befriends.

And while Goodwin is preparing for an extended business trip to Australia, Colin Wise is also making plans: plans to ensure Goodwin will not be seen again, and will never be missed ...