
by EJ Sanna

Published 1 January 2008

Heroin and Other Opioids

by EJ Sanna

Published 1 January 2008

Heroin, opium, morphine, and codeine—the natural opioids. In Heroin and Other Opioids: Poppies' Perilous Children, you'll learn about these substances as well as newer derivatives, all of which can impact lives in serious and negative ways. Take a trip through the history of opium production and use, and its role in political history. Discover that opioids were popular patent medicines, the primary ingredients of such "medicines" as Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, Hamlin's Wizard Oil, and other "cures for what ails you." Heroin and opioids didn't just go away when their use was outlawed. Instead, they became part of a large illegal narcotics market. Legal derivatives were also produced and marketed as effective treatments for pain and other conditions.

Marijuana: Mind-Altering Weed

by EJ Sanna

Published 2 September 2014
Marijuana. It's been called a gateway drug, an introduction to the world of harder illegal drugs. Yet many people consider it to be a safe drug—at least safer than heroin, LSD, or cocaine. However, while marijuana might not be directly responsible for causing any deaths, the consequences of its use can be detrimental to the lives of its users. This book describes the history of marijuana use, the dangers of its use, and the legal consequences. You'll also learn about the controversies surrounding the drug—including the issues of decriminalization and the use of medical marijuana. Treatment options for marijuana dependency are also discussed

Heroin and Opiods

by EJ Sanna

Published 1 September 2012