Animals Back from the Brink
5 total works
Native to several mountain ranges and plateaus in south Asia and eastern Europe, the snow leopard has been threatened by habitat loss, poaching, and a reduced food source. Learn how collaborative programs across borders and with local people have helped the species populations in some areas remain steady, and also benefit the big cat's main food source, wild sheep and goats, whose numbers are reduced by hunters and competition for grazing from livestock.
The California Condor is one of North America’s largest birds. These mighty scavengers were nearly wiped out by habitat loss, poaching, and lead poisoning. In 1982, only 22 California Condors remained in the wild! In this engaging book, readers will learn about the captive breeding programs, public education, and other conservation efforts that have led to a small but increasing population of California Condors in the wild.
The black-footed ferret was once listed as extinct on the prairies of North America. Its population had been devastated by a disease that also reduced its main food source—prairie dogs. This book tells the fascinating story of the black-footed ferret's rediscovery in 1981 by a dog in Wyoming. Readers will learn how the find inspired a captive breeding program that is restoring not only this prairie species to the wild, but its essential food source as well, the prairie dog.