Volume 1

In 1830–33, Charles Lyell laid the foundations of evolutionary biology with Principles of Geology, a pioneering three-volume book that Charles Darwin took with him on the Beagle. Lyell championed the ideas of geologist James Hutton, who formulated one of the fundamental principles of modern geology – uniformitarianism. This proposed that natural processes always operate according to the same laws, allowing us to understand how features of the Earth's surface were produced by physical, chemical, and biological processes over long periods of time. Volume 1 consists of 26 chapters, a comprehensive index and woodcut illustrations of various mechanisms of geological change. Lyell begins with a definition of geology and then reviews ancient theories of the successive destruction and renovation of the world. He mentions James Hutton's ideas in chapter four, and goes on to discuss the effects of climate change, running water, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes on the Earth's crust.

Volume 1

Sir Charles Lyell (1797–1875) was one of the most renowned geologists of the nineteenth century. His Principles of Geology (also reissued in this series) laid the foundations of evolutionary biology, and greatly influenced Darwin. Lyell's most important contribution to modern geology was his refining and popularising of the concept of uniformitarianism, the idea that the earth has been formed through slow-acting geological forces over billions of years. These volumes, first published in 1845, are the result of Lyell's 1841 lecture tour across the United States and Canada, in the course of which he made many observations on the formation of the American landscape. Using the popular format of a travel diary, Lyell provides vivid and detailed descriptions of North American geology, with discussions of important geological sites. Volume 1 contains his travels from Boston to North Carolina.

Volume 2

Sir Charles Lyell (1797–1875) was one of the most renowned geologists of the nineteenth century. He was awarded the Copley Medal by the Royal Society in 1858 and the Wollaston Medal by the Geological Society of London in 1866 for his contributions to geology. Lyell's most important contribution to modern geology was his refining and popularising the geological concept of uniformitarianism, the idea that the earth has been formed through slow-acting geological forces. This biography, first published in 1881 and edited by his sister-in-law K. M. Lyell, provides an intimate view of Lyell's personal and professional life through the inclusion of his correspondence with family, friends and academic peers. His changing ideas concerning the validity of the theory of natural selection and other geological ideas are also examined through the inclusion of extracts from his private journal. Volume 2 contains Lyell's later career from 1837–1875.

Volume 2

In 1830–33, Charles Lyell laid the foundations of evolutionary biology with Principles of Geology, a pioneering book that Charles Darwin took with him on the Beagle. Volume 2 (1832) focuses on plants and animals, and consists of 17 chapters, a comprehensive index and woodcut illustrations of various natural habitats Lyell had observed. The author takes issue with the French biologist Lamarck's theory of the transmutation of species, though Darwin in fact later praised other aspects of Lamarck's work. Lyell examines the connections between the Earth's changing crust and the natural history of many species of birds, insects, mammals and fish. He discusses how wild species physically adapt over time to domestication, the diffusion of plants throughout their specific habitats, geographical distributions of certain types of animals, migratory pattern adaptation due to climate change, hybrid plants, species extinction and how organic deposits, such as moss, on emerging land affect species adaptation.

Volume 2

Sir Charles Lyell (1797–1875) was one of the most renowned geologists of the nineteenth century. His Principles of Geology (also reissued in this series) laid the foundations of evolutionary biology, and greatly influenced Darwin. Lyell's most important contribution to modern geology was his refining and popularising of the concept of uniformitarianism, the idea that the earth has been formed through slow-acting geological forces over billions of years. These volumes, first published in 1845, are the result of Lyell's 1841 lecture tour across the United States and Canada, in the course of which he made many observations on the formation of the American landscape. Using the popular format of a travel diary, Lyell provides vivid and detailed descriptions of North American geology, with discussions of important geological sites. Volume 2 contains his travels in Canada.

Volume 3

Principles of Geology

by Charles Lyell

Published 7 May 1991
In 1833, Charles Lyell published the final volume of his pioneering trilogy, which Charles Darwin took with him on the Beagle. In it, Lyell describes the composition of the Earth's crust, examines shell fossils, and explains rock stratification, separating geological formations into three periods – primary, secondary and tertiary. He chastises his fellow geologists for preferring to speculate on the possibilities of the past rather than exploring the realities of the present, and shows his readers the importance of testing the validity of scientific claims. Lyell expertly integrates this book with the two earlier volumes, extending his interpretation of his geological findings from his research in Europe, especially at Mount Etna. Volume 3 consists of 26 chapters, a comprehensive index and 93 woodcut illustrations of different rock formations. Lyell writes with infectious enthusiasm, conveying the excitement of his discoveries in this landmark book.

In 1830-33, Charles Lyell laid the foundations of evolutionary biology with Principles of Geology, a pioneering book that Charles Darwin took with him on the Beagle. Volume 1 discusses the effects on the Earth's crust of climate change, running water, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, and supports James Hutton's theory of uniformitarianism, now a guiding principle of geology. Volume 2 (1832) focuses on plants and animals, their distribution, diffusion, migrations and adaptation to changing habitats, and considers the theories of Lamarck, while Volume 3 periodises sedimentary and volcanic rock formations and considers the marine fossil record. The books are generously illustrated and thoroughly indexed. Lyell writes with infectious enthusiasm, conveying the excitement of his fieldwork and discoveries in this landmark book, which remains of interest to geologists and historians of science alike.

Elements of Geology

by Charles Lyell

Published 3 January 2010
Between 1830 and 1833, Charles Lyell (1797-1875) published his three-volume Principles of Geology, which has also been reissued in this series. The work's renown stems partly from the fact that the young Charles Darwin, on his voyage around the world aboard the Beagle, became influenced by Lyell's ideas relating to gradual change across large spans of time. Shaping the development of scientific enquiry in Britain and beyond, Lyell was determined to disconnect geology from religion. He originally intended some of the present work, first published in 1838, to be a supplement to the Principles, but later expanded it to serve as a general introduction to geology. The topics covered include the formation of various rock types, matters of field geology, and how the presence of marine fossils above sea level could be explained by the land rising, rather than the sea retreating. Many salient points are illustrated with woodcuts.

In 1833, Charles Lyell published the final volume of his pioneering trilogy, which Charles Darwin took with him on the Beagle. In it, Lyell describes the composition of the Earth's crust, examines shell fossils, and explains rock stratification, separating geological formations into three periods – primary, secondary and tertiary. He chastises his fellow geologists for preferring to speculate on the possibilities of the past rather than exploring the realities of the present, and shows his readers the importance of testing the validity of scientific claims. Lyell expertly integrates this book with the two earlier volumes, extending his interpretation of his geological findings from his research in Europe, especially at Mount Etna. Volume 3 consists of 26 chapters, a comprehensive index and 93 woodcut illustrations of different rock formations. Lyell writes with infectious enthusiasm, conveying the excitement of his discoveries in this landmark book.

Sir Charles Lyell (1797-1875) was one of the most renowned geologists of the nineteenth century. He was awarded the Copley Medal by the Royal Society in 1858 and the Wollaston Medal by the Geological Society of London in 1866 for his contributions to geology. Lyell's most important contribution to modern geology was his refining and popularising the geological concept of uniformitarianism, the idea that the earth has been formed through slow-acting geological forces. This biography, first published in 1881 and edited by his sister-in-law K. M. Lyell provides an intimate view of Lyell's personal and professional life through the inclusion of his correspondence with family, friends and academic peers. His changing ideas concerning the validity of the theory of natural selection and other geological ideas are also examined through the inclusion of extracts from his private journal.

Sir Charles Lyell (1797-1875) was one of the most renowned geologists of the nineteenth century. His Principles of Geology (also reissued in this series) laid the foundations of evolutionary biology, and greatly influenced Darwin. Lyell's most important contribution to modern geology was his refining and popularising of the concept of uniformitarianism, the idea that the earth has been formed through slow-acting geological forces over billions of years. These volumes, first published in 1845, are the result of Lyell's 1841 lecture tour across the United States and Canada, in the course of which he made many observations on the formation of the American landscape. Using the popular format of a travel diary, Lyell provides vivid and detailed descriptions of North American geology, with discussions of important geological sites.