Find out about the actions of Asian history makers in this book, ranging from the extreme bloodshed of Genghis Khan and Mao Tse-Tung to the non-violent resistance of Gandhi, Sarojini Naidu and the Dalai Lama and the contemplation of Confucius and Buddha. Explore the lives of those who made their mark on history, from building empires to establishing new belief systems and from speaking out against injustice to climbing to the top of the world.

The History Makers series looks at the lives of significant figures from the past and present, who, by their ideas and actions, affected the course of history in their own countries and across the world.

This title looks at gay people who have made a difference within their own country or in the wider world, whether they are rulers and leaders in their field or ordinary people whose actions and example changed the lives of others. Biographies of each individual detail their struggles and achievements, and look at the legacy each created.

Find out more about 18 women who've changed history, ranging from the civil rights campaigning of Emmeline Pankhust, Rosa Parks and Malala Yousafzai to the pioneering careers of Marie Curie and Coco Chanel and the inspirational leadership of Aung San Suu Kyi.