Skiing and snowboarding have become hugely popular winter sports, which people enjoy all over the world. This book shows you how to get started on these adventure activities, explaining the equipment you'll need, how to get fit, the skills you should develop and practise and, importantly, how to stay safe in difficult weather and challenging conditions.

An introduction to adventure activities, this inspiring series captures the excitement of outdoor pursuits.

Imagine scaling a sheer rock face, relying on your own strength and skill to keep you moving upwards! This book explores exactly what you will need to get started in this exciting pursuit. From the equipment, basic climbing techniques and how to tie knots to more advanced survival skills you might need in the wild outdoors, you'll find everything you need to inspire you to enjoy some wild climbing! You'll need to stay safe too, so there is plenty of advice about how to minimise the risks. The book also suggests joining an indoor club to begin with to ensure you get the right advice form trained professionals This book also takes a look at some of the different types of climbing, such as scrambling and bouldering, or climbing on ice and snow. It also tells the amazing survival stories of some famous (and not so famous) climbers. Part of the six book series Adventure Outdoors. An action-packed introduction to some of the most popular outdoor pursuits. Suitable for KS2-3.

Canoeing and kayaking are hugely popular adventure sports - boats that were originally designed for hunters in places like Canada are now made from high-tech materials and are now used in competitive sport as well as a means of travel. This book explores exactly what you will need to get started in this exciting pursuit. From the boat and the protective equipment, to paddling styles, skills, taking part in competitions and events or even planning adventures of your own. You'll find everything you need to get out there and enjoy some wild water! You'll need to stay safe too, so there is plenty of advice about how to minimise the risks and an emphasis on making sure you never venture out on the water alone. This book also takes a look at some of the world's best canoeing spots and tells the amazing survival stories of some famous (and not so famous) paddlers. Part of the six book series Adventure Outdoors. An action-packed introduction to some of the most popular outdoor pursuits. Suitable for KS2-3.

Hiking and walking have always been popular pursuits. Our planet is so beautiful that sometimes the only way to truly appreciate it is by getting out there and experiencing it for yourself. Whether you want to walk for a day or even for weeks, this book explores exactly what you will need to get started in this exciting pursuit. From protective clothing and the basic equipment, to joining a hiking club, navigation skills or even planning adventures of your own. You'll find everything you need to get out there and enjoy walking! You'll need to stay safe too, so there is plenty of advice about how to minimise the risks and an emphasis on making sure you never venture out if you are not fit enough or are without the right equipment. This book also takes a look at some of the world's best hiking spots and tells the amazing survival stories of some famous (and not so famous) adventurers. Part of the six book series Adventure Outdoors. An action-packed introduction to some of the most popular outdoor pursuits. Suitable for KS2-3.

An introduction to adventure activities, this inspiring series captures the excitement of outdoor pursuits.