Frommer's Costa Rica 2015

by Eliot Greenspan

Published 1 November 2014
Written by an outspoken, long-time resident, Frommer's Costa Rica 2015 shows travelers how to plan and execute the adventure of a lifetime in this vibrant country. This classic Frommer's series includes exact prices; extraordinarily candid reviews of the best nature sights, restaurants, attractions, outfitters and hotels in every price range (from hostels to glamorous resorts); and dozens of detailed maps.

Frommer's Costa Rica 2016

by Eliot Greenspan

Published 7 December 2015
No one on earth matches the knowledge of what tourists seek and expect in Costa Rica than Frommer's author Eliot Greenspan. He not only has, over the years, written extensively about this popular Central American nation, but also operates a successful tour operation there, personally conducting many of the tours offered by his company. Costa Rica is the unchallenged star of Central American tourism, a nation that has respected and protected its environment and thus kept it inviting and memorable. The 500-some-odd pages of Frommer's Costa Rica 2016 are illustrated with colorful maps and photographs. In the back of the book is a valuable glossary of the top Spanish phrases tourists will need and use in Costa Rica.