A Separate World

by Rosemary Kelly

Published 1 November 1991
Part of a series of five books covering core history study units for Key Stage 3 of the National Curriculum, this book focuses on Britain's medieval past and aims to help pupils understand what it meant to live during this period. It underlines the importance in everyday life of the social structure, work and the Church, to both the powerful elite and the townspeople and peasantry. Both change and continuity are emphasized - change through the impact of war, epidemics and social upheaval on an apparently static society and continuity for the great majority of the population in work, struggling to survive. The author has also written "A World of Change" and "A Place in Time".

A Wider World

by Rosemary Kelly

Published April 1992
As intellectual and physical hoizons widened, people living in Early Modern Britain experienced profound political, religious, social and cultural changes. The tensions these created led to civil war and revolution, a "united kingdom", and the beginning of modern technological and scientific advance. Yet there was continuity, too, in the lives and work of ordinary people. One of a series of five books covering core History Study Units for Key Stage 3 of the National Curriculum, this volume offers an investigative approach and combines straightforward text with time-charts and diagrams. A wide range of visual and documentary sources encourages pupils to tackle the Attainment Targets for this Key Stage with enjoyment and increasing confidence in their historical skills.