Book 4

The West Syrian Liturgy has come down to the present in three major traditions: that of Za'faran, that of Sadad and that of Edessa. This book represents the culmination of many years of recording and effort, undertaken in both the Middle East and the US, aimed at preserving the complete Beth Gazo of Edessa in musical annotation.

Book 8

The Gospels mention that Jesus had twelve male disciples who aided Him in His earthly mission of proclaiming the Gospel. But were Jesus' helpers only men? Convinced that women played an important role in assisting Jesus' preaching and proclamation of the Kingdom of Heaven, Tuma al-Khuri has written a book, in Arabic, highlighting twelve different females who appear in the Gospel text-the Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene, Mary the sister of Lazarus, the Samaritan woman, and the Syro-Phoenician woman, among others.

Book 9

The Life of Jesus

by Gregorios Ibrahim

Published 20 May 2010
This small book is part of the `Allah Ma`na’ (God With Us) series, created by the Syrian Orthodox community of Aleppo for use in Christian schools, Sunday schools, and Church educational programs. This particular volume is intended for use by third-graders and is meant to introduce them to the basic outlines of the life of Christ—covering all the major events from the Annunciation to Pentecost—in language they can understand.

Book 10

Lamb of God

by Gregorios Ibrahim

Published 20 May 2010
This small book is part of the `Allah Ma`na' (God With Us) series, created by the Syrian Orthodox community of Aleppo for use in Christian schools, Sunday schools, and Church educational programs. This volume presents students with actual scriptural passages from a number of the most important passages in the Gospels, including: the Annunciation, the Prologue of John, the Baptism of Christ, the Temptation, the confession of Peter, the Crucifixion, and the Resurrection.

Book 11


by Gregorios Ibrahim

Published 20 May 2010
This small book is the first volume in the 'Allah Ma'na' (God With Us) series, created by the Syrian Orthodox community of Aleppo for use in Christian schools, Sunday schools, and Church educational programs. The series aims to introduce and teach children about the life of Christ. This particular text focuses on the role of the Virgin Mary in the life of Christ and is intended for use both at school with a teacher and at home with parents.