Book 1

The aim of this book is to demonstrate the movement of Greek thought into Arabic via the Syriac language. Al-Hamad devotes the four sections of this book to profiling four different authors who either wrote in Syriac or whose works were transmitted into Arabic via Syriac translations: Porphyry, John Philoponos ('the Grammarian'), Jacob of Edessa and Dionysios of Tellmahre.

Book 2

This book begins with a discussion of the contribution of the areas of al-Raqqa (Kallinikos) and Diyar Mudar for translations into the Arabic language; it also covers the importance of Christian monasteries in the region of the Jazira for the history of translations into Greek.

Book 3

This is a collection of poems and essays by Ghattas Maqdasi Elias, an important figure in twentieth-century Syrian Orthodox letters and education, also known as ‘Malfono Denho.’ The book contains writings previously published in books and journals as well as items published for the first time in this volume.

Book 12

Blessed Hope

by Gregorios Ibrahim

Published 20 May 2010
This small book is the second volume in the `Allah Ma`na’ (God With Us) series, created by the Syrian Orthodox community of Aleppo for use in Christian schools, Sunday schools, and Church educational programs. The series aims to introduce and teach children about the life of Christ. This particular volume seeks to highlight the role of hope in the life of the Christian, taking Paul’s words in Romans 8:24 as its jumping-off point.

Book 13

The Good Shepherd

by Gregorios Ibrahim

Published 20 May 2010
This small book is the fourth volume in the `Allah Ma`na’ (God With Us) series, created by the Syrian Orthodox community of Aleppo for use in Christian schools, Sunday schools, and Church educational programs. This particular volume focuses on the theme of Christ as the Good Shepherd. Stories includie: Christ’s preaching in Nazareth, the parable of the Good Samaritan, the parable of the Lost Sheep, the Feeding of the Five Thousand, Jesus as the Gate, and Jesus as the Good Shepherd.

Book 14

Ghattas Maqdasi Elias, the 'Malphono,' was one of the most important Syriac writers of the twentieth century and devoted much of his life to ensuring that classical Syriac remained a vibrant and living language. For the lover of Syriac and Syriac poetry, therefore, this small book represents a special treat: a collection of twenty five of Elias' poems are assembled and printed here.

Book 16

This small book is an exposition of the mysteries (or sacraments) of the Syrian Orthodox Church by the eminent Philoxenos Dolabani. The mysteries discussed are: Baptism, the Myron, the Eucharist, penance, the priesthood, anointing the sick, and marriage.

Book 18

This book is a collection of articles written by the eminent scholar and Syrian Orthodox Patriarch Ephrem Barsaum. The "Lighthouse" in the book is meant to refer to the thought of Patriarch Barsaum: like a lighthouse, every researcher, scholar, or reader of Syriac must turn towards it for guidance. The articles in this volume display Barsoum's characteristic erudition and scholarly thoroughness and cover a wide variety of topics, all related to the history of the various Syriac-speaking churches and the churches of Antioch, in addition to other Middle Eastern Churches.

Book 19

Militos Barnaba has chosen 20 of the most beautiful memre of Jacob of Sarugh and here provided a sense-for-sense translation of them into Arabic. For each memra a short excerpt of the Syriac original is given, followed by an Arabic translation of the entire piece. An introduction by Bishop Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim provides background on the life and writings of Jacob of Sarugh.

Book 20

Philoxenos Yuhanna Dolabani (1885-1969), Metropolitan of Mardin, was an important figure in the Syrian Orthodox church in the twentieth century and a prolific scholar, most of whose works remain unpublished and unknown to Western scholarship. Bishop Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim has here given us a biography of this key figure.

Book 23

Shukri Taraqji (1911-1982) was an important figure in the Syriac literary revival of the twentieth century and this small volume collects a number of his writings into one convenient place. An introduction by Bishop Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim provides an account of Taraqji's life and activities, both professional and ecclesiastical. This volume will be of great interest to anyone interested in the contemporary history of Syrian Orthodox Christianity, Syriac, and Middle Eastern Christianity.

Book 28

This book is a collection of a number of small catalogues and hand-lists of manuscripts held in the possession of Syrian Orthodox churches, monasteries, and even individuals throughout the Middle East. The eminent scholar and bishop, Philoxenos Dolabani, carried out the enormous task of cataloguing and describing these little-known and difficult-to-access collections.

Book 29

The Lamp of the Sanctuary is the most important theological encyclopedia in the Syriac language and its author Gregory Bar Hebraeus was perhaps the greatest polymath ever to write in Syriac. The book is divided into twelve different sections which span the breadth of medieval theology.

Book 30

This is a translation into Arabic of Wort und Wahrheit: Revue for Religion and Culture, Supplementary Issue Number 1, which contained the papers and minutes of the first non-official ecumenical consultation between Oriental Orthodox and Roman Catholic theologians, sponsored by Pro Oriente, the ecumenical foundation. This volume contains a number of papers by Oriental Orthodox and Roman Catholic theologians relating to Christology, Monophysitism and Dyophysitism, and the acceptance of the Council of Chalcedon.

Book 32

Accepting the Other

by Gregorios Ibrahim

Published 23 March 2010
Written by the eminent Syrian Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Accepting the Other, offers an eloquent and alternative perspective to the question of religious co-existence and the so-called 'Clash of Civilizations.' Bishop Gregorios' book begins with an historical overview of the presence of Christians in the Middle East and their rich cultural contributions to the region, stretching back to the days of the Roman Empire and discusses the Islamic conquests and the Crusades from the little-heard yet extremely important Middle Eastern Christian perspective; he also offers examples of Christian-Muslim co-existence and discusses the question of citizenship.

Book 33

Syrian Orthodox Music

by Gregorios Ibrahim

Published 23 March 2010
This book originated in Bishop Yohanna Gregorios' dissatisfaction with the lack of a study which would show where the music of the Syrian church came from, how it was accepted in the church, the basis on which it entered the church, the regional variation in chanting traditions, and the development of church music through time.

Book 38

Ghattas Maqdisi Elias, "Malphono Denho," was perhaps the greatest Syriac poet of the twentieth century and a major figure in the Syriac literary revival which took place then. This book collects together a number of Maqdisi's writings, including poems, a series of letters written to Abrohom Nouro, selected Syriac and Arabic essays, as well as the Maqdisi's last interview (conducted in English).