"Little Workmates" are a series of first stories for children aged between two and five. The series centres around a fictional town where all the "little workmates" live. Each story tells the tale of a day in the life of a different inhabitant - nurse Nina, fireman Fergus, builder Bill, postman Peter, P.C. Polly, or Queen Connie. The stories narrate the jobs the "Little workmates" do and the people they encounter, and are linked by a consistent setting. Characters from the other books appear to varying degrees in each story. The text is short and concise with repeated phrases. This book in the "Little Workmate" series explores the daily life of doctor Daisy.
"Little Workmates" are a series of first stories for children aged between two and five. The series centres around a fictional town where all the "little workmates" live. Each story tells the tale of a day in the life of a different inhabitant - nurse Nina, fireman Fergus, builder Bill, postman Peter, P.C. Polly, or Queen Connie. The stories narrate the jobs the "Little workmates" do and the people they encounter, and are linked by a consistent setting. Characters from the other books appear to varying degrees in each story. The text is short and concise with repeated phrases. This book in the "Little Workmate" series explores the daily life of farmer Fred.
"Little Workmates" are a series of first stories for children aged between two and five. The series centres around a fictional town where all the "little workmates" live. Each story tells the tale of a day in the life of a different inhabitant - nurse Nina, fireman Fergus, builder Bill, postman Peter, P.C. Polly, or Queen Connie. The stories narrate the jobs the "Little workmates" do and the people they encounter, and are linked by a consistent setting. Characters from the other books appear to varying degrees in each story. The text is short and concise with repeated phrases. This book in the "Little Workmate" series explores the daily life of teacher Tina.
Ballerina Becky's practising her twirls and exercises for the Story Town show. But, oh no, she twists her ankle. Will she get better in time for the performance?
Vet Vicky's having a very busy day and it's just about to get busier. PC Polly has found a little lost kitten on her beat. Will Vet Vicky be able to make her better again and find her owner?