Organizations that have made the transition from traditional work groups to teams have discovered many benefits along the way - better decisions, greater commitment and improved quality, to name a few. One of the challenges, however, has been realigning performance measurement systems to match the new team structures. This guidebook answers that challenge by presenting valuable tools to gauge team effectiveness on two critical fronts: the team's work outcomes, and the operating dynamics of the team itself.

Building a Dynamic Team

by Richard Y. Chang

Published 31 March 1995
No team reaches peak performance in one day. It takes effort, practice, learning and a game plan. This guidebook presents a proven team-building model, covering the process in a logical, systematic approach. Whether your team is just forming or could use reinvigorating, the ideas presented here should prove useful.

Success Through Teamwork

by Richard Y. Chang

Published 31 March 1995
An excellent guide to help teams create a synergy of teamwork.