Elementary My Dear

by Philip King and John Boland

Published 2 October 2023

Who Says Murder?

by Philip King and John Boland

Published October 1975

Dark Lucy

by Philip King and Parnell Bradbury

Published 14 July 1971

Watch it, Sailor!

by Philip King and F.L. Cary

Published 3 December 2015
Sequel to Sailor Beware. A couple await their wedding day amidst surprise telegrams and misunderstandings.5 women, 4 men

Murder in Company

by Philip King and John Boland

Published 7 April 2015
A Dramatic Society is assembling on the stage of a church hall to rehearse a production of a mystery-thriller under its somewhat dictatorial director Philip Stephens. Events and strains within the company, however, more than equal those in the play they are to present. Philip's wife is friendlier than is wise with a young man of the company, a "prowler" is in the neighbourhood and attacks one of the girls, an unpleasant caretaker tries a little blackmail and one of the women seems to know him from the past.4 women, 4 men

On Monday Next

by Philip King

Published 9 June 2015
In this reputable English comedy in the grand tradition, a repertory company is holding the second rehearsal for next week's play and things are proceeding in customary confusion. The star is in a hassle with her husband, who also plays the part of her husband in the play within a play. The author, of course, shows up to offer his invaluable talent to the poor producer who is a pretty worried guy at this point. He has just been fished out of the orchestra pit into which he fell after a sally with a left handed carpenter and an amateur electrician who switched off the lights.5 women, 8 men

Big Bad Mouse!

by Philip King and F.L. Cary

Published 1 April 1969
In the Orders Office of Chunkbix Ltd., it is decidedly Mr. Price Hargraves who gives the orders and little Mr. Bloome who obeys them - until Mr. Bloome is astonishingly accused of chasing a young female across the Common.6 women, 3 men

Husbands Supplied

by F.L. Cary

Published 21 August 2019

Five women are at the marriage bureau "Husbands Supplied" all looking for a husband. A dashing young man comes in and immediately the five women, the bureau's owner and her secretary make a play for him. But it turns out that he is already married to one of the seven women.

7 women, 1 man

Sailor Beware

by Philip King and F.L. Cary

Published 14 January 2015

Beware of mother-in-laws, especially of one like Emma Hornett. Albert Tufnell, A.B., is anxious that his fianc e, Shirley, should not take after her mother, Emma. Albert is also disturbed to find that Shirley has weakly acquiesced to living only three doors away from her mother. Albert's only defence is not to turn up at church. Later he makes peace with Shirley and the wedding is on again.5 women, 4 men

I'll Get My Man

by Philip King

Published 1 January 1969
Peter Graham, TV series hero, seeks refuge at the country rectory with his mild clerical Uncle Humphrey from all the females who continually chase after him, and in particular from Pixie Potter. Humphrey, horrified by the threatened loss of his housekeeper who has been dismissed by his formidable sister, advertises for a wife but absentmindedly omits the important word "marriage". These two occurrences resoundingly shatter the peace of the village.-5 women, 4 men

See How They Run

by Philip King

Published 4 June 1946