Book 1

Tears Fall at Night

by Vanessa Miller

Published 6 February 2013

Book 1

Book 2

Book 2

Praise Him Anyhow-Volume 2

by Vanessa Miller

Published 21 September 2014

Book 3

A Forever Kind of Love

by Vanessa Miller

Published 18 June 2013

Book 3

Book 4

Ramsey's Praise

by Vanessa Miller

Published 16 August 2013

Book 5

Escape To Love

by Vanessa Miller

Published 7 October 2013

Book 6

Praise For Christmas

by Vanessa Miller

Published 2 October 2014

Book 7

His Love Walk

by Vanessa Miller

Published 2 October 2014

Book 9

Song of Praise

by Vanessa Miller

Published 2 October 2014

Praise Him Anyhow Journal

by Vanessa Miller

Published 25 October 2013