Book 10

On average, 60% of the world's people and cargo is transported by vehicle that move on rubber tires over roadways of various construction, composition, and quality. The number of such vehicles, including automobiles and all manner of trucks, increases continually with a growing positive impact on accessibility and a growing negative impact on interactions among humans and their relationship to the surrounding environment. This multiplicity of vehicles, through their physical impact and their emissions, is responsible for, among other negative results: waste of energy, pollution through emission of harmful compounds, degradation of road surfaces, crowding of roads leading to waste of time and increase of social stress, and decrease in safety and comfort. In particular, the safety of vehicular traffic depends on a man-vehicle-road system that includes both active and passive security controls. In spite of the drawbacks mentioned above, the governments of almost every country in the world not only expect but facilitate improvements in vehicular transport performance in order to increase such parameters as load capacity and driving velocity, while decreasing such parameters as costs to passengers, energy resources investments, fuel consumption, etc. Some of the problems have clear, if not always easily attainable, solutions.

Book 16

This work is devoted to an intensive study in contact mechanics, treating the nonsmooth dynamics of contacting bodies. Mathematical modeling is illustrated and discussed in numerous examples of engineering objects working in different kinematic and dynamic environments.

Topics covered in five self-contained chapters examine non-steady dynamic phenomena which are determined by key factors: i.e., heat conduction, thermal stresses, and the amount of wearing. New to this monograph is the importance of the inertia factor, which is considered on par with thermal stresses.

Nonsmooth Dynamics of Contacting Thermoelastic Bodies is an engaging accessible practical reference for engineers (civil, mechanical, industrial) and researchers in theoretical and applied mechanics, applied mathematics, physicists, and graduate students.

Book 29

Classical Mechanics

by Jan Awrejcewicz and Zbigniew Koruba

Published 1 January 2012
This is the last book of three devoted to Mechanics, and uses the theoretical background presented in Classical Mechanics: Kinematics and Statics and Classical Mechanics: Dynamics. It focuses on exhibiting a unique approach, rooted in the classical mechanics, to study mechanical and electromagnetic processes occurring in Mechatronics. Contrary to the majority of the books devoted to Applied Mechanics, this volume places a particular emphasis on theory, modeling, analysis, and control of gyroscopic devices, including the military applications. This volume provides practicing mechanical/mechatronic engineers and designers, researchers, graduate and postgraduate students with a knowledge of mechanics focused directly on advanced applications.

Book 42

This book offers a valuable methodological approach to the state-of-the-art of the classical plate/shell mathematical models, exemplifying the vast range of mathematical models of nonlinear dynamics and statics of continuous mechanical structural members. The main objective highlights the need for further study of the classical problem of shell dynamics consisting of mathematical modeling, derivation of nonlinear PDEs, and of finding their solutions based on the development of new and effective numerical techniques. The book is designed for a broad readership of graduate students in mechanical and civil engineering, applied mathematics, and physics, as well as to researchers and professionals interested in a rigorous and comprehensive study of modeling non-linear phenomena governed by PDEs.