Influence and Persuasion: Wartime Propaganda (Influence and Persuasion)
by Clive Gifford
When you see a report on television, do you assume you are being told the truth? In fact it may be propaganda. Ages 12+ years.
Christmas (28 Images to Sticker - Christmas Tree Cover) (Brain Games - Sticker by Number)
Media Matters is an entirely new text in the magazine-style format Citizenship in Focus series. It is designed to help students analyse the media’s influence and power in society, and the role it plays in a democracy. The topics covered in Media Matters include:• The power of the media• Broadcast media in the UK• Print media in the UK• Who owns the media?• Who decides the news agenda?• Politicians, public relations and the media• What makes a story newsworthy?• News reports: true, fair...
Grade Six Revision Topics and Achievement Tests for Jamaica: Social Studies
by Vinette Percy
Section I of each book contains short Introductions for students and teachers, with advice on strategies for revision, examination preparation, making the best of the examination and answering individual multiple-choice questions. The main part of Section I comprises revision topics. This provides brief notes covering all the main content from Grades 4, 5 and 6 usually examined, as well as 10 examples of multiple-choice questions and answers for each topic, where appropriate also showing the wor...
Written by an experienced author team our student book has been specifically designed to support the AQA GCSE Law specification. It provides complete coverage of the key legal concepts for the exam as well as key cases, activities, expert advice and revision.
History is studded with moments of high drama and periods of deep conflict street battles, mass demonstrations, executions, riots, civil wars as people have fought for the form of government they wanted. Part of a series that introduces the key characteristics of political and economic systems, this book tells the story of communism and how it developed as a set of ideas, from its origins to the present.
Tyrants, dictators, monarchs, ballots, petitions, protests, - what do these have to do with you? History is studded with moments of high drama and periods of deep conflict - street battles, mass demonstrations and civil wars - as people have fought for the form of government they wanted. This thought provoking series introduces the key characteristics of political and economic systems and each book tells the story of one strand of politics; how it developed as a set of ideas from its origins to...
The citizenship curriculum, which became statutory in 2002, aims to create informed citizens by enabling pupils to play an effective role in society. This series examines the institutions, rights and responsibilities that underpin our lives in the UK and relates them to the experience of the reader. Each book looks at a different aspect of UK society, such as the law, national and local government or the media. Each book provides the case studies that help the reader to understand his or her own...
Culture In: Papua New Guinea Paperback (Culture In . . .)
This new series looks at a range of natural disasters, both as fascinating natural phenomena and as the cause of devastating human and environmental damage. Disasters in Nature will enable readers to learn about weather extremes, the effect of disasters on the environment, their human impact and how we deal with them. Up-to-date research, case studies of some of the worst examples, stunning photography and explanatory diagrams help to illustrate the points. Each book includes: Case studies of fa...
Gangs (Opposing Viewpoints (Paperback)) (Opposing Viewpoints (Library))
Should the Federal Government Bail Out Private Industry? (At Issue (Library)) (At Issue (Paperback))
Video Games (Opposing Viewpoints (Library)) (Opposing Viewpoints (Paperback))
Case studies; Revealing facts and figures; Tips, tactics and points of view; Useful contact names and support agency addresses; Full glossary and index; This new series provides informative and supportive reading on complex and sometimes painful issues and situations that teenagers encounter and need to be informed about. The approach, positive rather than problem-focused, is designed to equip the reader with the facts and familiarise them with a wide range of points of view and perspectives in...
Focusing on Barnardo's, and written by members of its staff, this is one of a series which provides an overview of various charities and other non-governmental organizations to give an insight into their purpose and working methods. Each title looks at how the organization was set up, and what it has developed into. Case studies are used to show how a variety of people spend their working day, and the work done in the field with which the organization is concerned. Its vision for the future is a...
Fact boxes of key figures; Profiles boxes; Technical tips and 'on the job' panels; Technology boxes; Full glossary and index; This new series considers a popular medium and explores how an example of that medium is made, from concept through to finished product. The books give an insight into finance, the key people, procedures and processes, how the product is manufactured, and the public's role in its success.
Look Ahead: A Guide to Working in Tourism & Travel Paperback
by Deborah Fortune
This is a unique series of guides introducing different career opportunities. Aimed at pupils making subject choices at GCSE, the books give a clear, informative insight into the world of work with advice on which paths to follow when looking for jobs in a particular area. The books provide: an overview of the field of work and the range of jobs available in that field; the qualifications and experience needed to work in this area; case studies following someone in their working day; contacts an...