The foundation edition of this text is endorsed for use with the EdExcel GCSE course. This title follows the same page layout, style and format as the mainstream edition of "Religion and Society" and can be used alongside this book in the classroom. The foundation edition covers four specified religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hinduism and examines religious and social responsibility, religion and the environment, peace and conflict, crime and punishment, and religion and medical issue...
Examines the growth of Islam during the first thousand years after the time of Muhammad, discussing the effect of this religion on the lives of its followers and on their science and technology up to the end of the sixteenth century.
Malaysia (Growth & Influence of Islam S.) (Major Muslim Nations)
by Barbara Aoki Poisson and Shelia Noonon
Kuwait (Modern Middle East Nations & Their Strategic Place in the World S.) (Major Muslim Nations)
by Hal Marcovitz
Afghanistan (Major Nations of the Modern Middle East) (Growth & Influence of Islam S.)
by Kim Whitehead
Please note this book is suitable for any student studying: Exam board: Edexcel Level: GCSE Subject: Religious Education First teaching: September 2016 First exams: June 2018 This Student Book has been endorsed by Edexcel. This textbook offers a brand new approach to the study of Islam which has been developed in close consultation with teachers and religious organisations. Structured according to the new specification with clear, regular summaries, this book provides students with exactly w...
Series has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the new generation of agreed syllabuses based on the model syllabus guidelines. Teachers Books provide a concise introduction to each religion and consist of 10 units of work based on key themes. Poster Packs contain a series of high-quality images to be used with the activities in the Teacher Books to stimulate ideas and discussion
Part of a series providing insight into world religions, this text uses extracts from a wide range of sources - ancient and modern, authoritative and personal - to convey what it means to be a Muslim. Islamic beliefs, worship and customs are described, showing the effect they have on the daily lives of Muslims. Angela Wood is the Advisory Teacher in Religious Education for Hounslow, and a lecturer and examiner in Religious Studies. She has also written "Being a Jew" in this series, and has been...
Islam (Introducing Issues with Opposing Viewpoints) (Compact Research: Current Issues)
by Lauri S Friedman
What is a Family (The Changing Face of Modern Families)
by Crest Mason
The Knowledge Quiz series is a deviously simple and effective way for students to revise for GCSE subjects. Put together by subject experts, these easy-to-use books feature tear-out quizzes to help students memorise the large body of knowledge that forms the basis of success in exams. Rather than just flicking through revision cards expecting things to stick in your memory, self-quizzing allows you to complete multiple copies of the same quiz and keep doing them until you get them right every ti...
Islam for Today is part of a series of texts designed to fit the SCAA model syllabuses, which emphasise "learning about" and "learning from" religion. Each book consists of 29 two-page spreads with readable text that is highly illustrated and supported by activities. Each book has a one-page glossary and a one-page index. Islam for Today explores the way in which Muslims approach deep questions about the meaning of life and how this affects their daily living.
Riyad As-Salihin Children's Workbook (Riyad As-Salihin Children's Workbook, #1)
by Sialvi, Sahibzada
Islam in Asia Facts and Figures (Major Muslim Nations)
by Dorothy Kavanaugh
Author Sumbul Ali-Karamali offers her personal account, discussing the many and varied questions she fielded from curious friends and schoolmates while growing up in Southern California—from diet, to dress, to prayer and holidays and everything in between. She also provides an academically reliable introduction to Islam, addressing its inception, development and current demographics. Through this engaging work, readers will gain a better understanding of the everyday aspects of Muslim American...
The Muslim Experience (Seeking Religion) (Seeking Religion: Foundation S.)
by John F. Aylett
A balanced, factual and culturally sensitive examination of Islam for Key Stage 3 Religious Studies.The Seeking Religion series has titles for each of the main world religions. It is a proven reliable and accessible resource for Key Stage 3 Religious Education. Each title has concise easy-to-understand narrative and a wide range of questions and activities to stimulate discussions in order to learn from and about religion. The Muslim Experience helps pupils to:- gain an understanding about Islam...
Islam in Today's World (Religion in Focus) ( Focus S.)
by Sally Lynch, Claire Clinton, Janet Orchard, and Deborah Weston
Pupil Book 1 (History Connections, #1)