Scottish Dance (Collins Little Books)
by The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
A perfect introduction to the world of Scottish dance written by the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, including a short history of Scottish dancing. The book takes you through simple ceilidh moves to more complex formations and set dances, illustrated through diagrams and photos. Popular traditional dances are featured, such as 'Dashing White Sergeant', 'Eightsome Reel', 'Strip the Willow' and 'Cumberland Reel'. This comprehensive collection also contains several lesser...
Producing in TV and Film (Exploring Careers in TV and Film)
by Gerry Boehme
How Rent Made It to the Stage (Getting to Broadway)
by George Capaccio
This is the ultimate unofficial guide to Stranger Things! Now updated with all new Season 4 content and Season 5 speculation! If you love 80s references, scary monsters, playing Dungeons and Dragons, riding your bike, hanging with your friends and saving the world, then this show is for you, and this guide is all you need! Now packed with even more fun facts about your favourite episodes, character profiles, new series speculation, awesome pi...
To understand Shakespeare's plays, you need to know about the theatres and the audiences they were written for. Find out about how the plays were performed, and the actors who played in them. Discover what audiences were like when Shakespeare's plays were first performed and if theatres in Tudor England were comfortable places to visit. You will also find out which actors played the female characters in Shakespeare's theatre.
Spotlight on Shakespeare (Spotlight On)
by Sandy Brownjohn and Gareth Gwyn-Jones
Presents the life and times of William Shakespeare and provides guidelines on staging scenes from three of his plays.
This book which is part of a series that examines the creative arts is an introduction to the world of theatre from many different cultures all over the world and is intended to encourage young people to experience theatre for themselves. It traces the history of theatre from its origins, based on religious rituals of antiquity, to the present day. It looks at the different kinds of theatre, the wide range of entertainment it provides, the world backstage, the technology that creates the stage p...
Pb Summer Festivals (Seasonal Fest)
15 pages of full-color photos of your fave guys! Leonardo DiCaprio Prince William The Backstreet Boys Matt Damon Tiger Woods Hanson Jared Leto Will Smith Matt LeBlanc Jakob Dylan Scott Wolf Freddie Prinze, Jr. Aaron Carter James Van Der Beek Nicholas Brendon David Boreanaz Seth Green Each photo is backed with fun information and vital stats on your guy. From the worlds of television, sports, music, and big-screen movies, these POSTER BOYS are ready to go up on your lockers, walls...
Radio and Television (Ferguson's What Can I Do Now? Exploring Careers for Your Future)
Coverage includes: Broadcast engineers; Broadcasting executives; Radio and television anchors; Radio producers and disc jockeys; Reporters and correspondents; Screenwriters; Sportscasters; Television directors; Television producers; and, Weather forecasters.
Entertainment on Television (Introducing Media Studies S.)
by Sue Hackman and Wink Hackman
Ever wished that you could juggle? It's easier than you think. Follow the foolproof instructions, and you'll soon have a dazzling array of tricks at your fingertips!
An enthusiastic and motivational guide for all budding young actors, whether dreaming of winning an Oscar, or performing in the school play. Readers are taken step-by-step through the basics of acting techniques, building a set, acting for the screen, camera work and jobs in the industry.
This series looks at jobs which involve a high element of danger. Through colour photographs, anecdotes and fact boxes, each book focuses on the risks involved in a dangerous occupation, with detailed information on the rigorous training that prepares men and women for the kinds of risks they will face. The authors also aim to show that discipline, commitment and professionalism are essential qualities. Focusing on the history of stunt performers in films, this book includes chapters on the vari...