Lightning Dreamer: Cuba's Greatest Abolitionist
by MS Margarita Engle
This is an illustrated recent survey on Argentina which is part of a series on countries around the world. The book provides essential background information about the countries, their location, geography and climate, the history of the people, their customs, traditions and religions. However, the emphasis is on the countries as they are today - the agriculture, trade and industry and their influence and relations with other countries - including travel and communication, and the various lifesty...
Ecuador (South America Today) (Discovering South America)
by Colleen Williams
Opening with a survey of the geography and climate of the region, this book looks at the pre-Inca cultures and the myths and historical reality of their rise to power. The complex and well-organized political and social structure of the Inca empire is examined in detail, followed by an examination of their ideas and religion, arts and sciences, and a window on to every-day life for an Inca family. The book concludes with a description of the Spanish conquest and the Inca legacy for Peru today. I...
Chile (Cultures of the World (Fourth Edition)(R))
by Rachael Morlock
Augusto Pinochet's Chile, 2nd Edition (Dictatorships)
by Diana Childress
Yo soy Sofía Castro... y dicen que soy Boba / I Am Sofía Castro... and They Say I'm Dumb
by Sodia Castro
Sin Story Times, sin videos de youtube y sin límite de tiempo para contarles todo. Hay cosas de mi vida que no he sido capaz de decirles en mi canal. Desde dramas de mi adolescencia. Los sufrimientos del primer amor y mi pasión por la música, hasta la búsqueda de mi propia voz, mis inicios en el Youtube, el Bulling que me hicieron y…. tambien la muerte de Ringo. Todo eso y más lo van a leer aquí. Les prometo que en estos capítulos van a conocer a la sofía más real.” Yo soy So...
The Eighth Grade Dance and Other Memories / El Baile de Octavo Y Otros Recuerdos
by Ada de Jesus
Windward Islands (Discovering The Caribbean) (Caribbean Today)
by Tamra Orr
Dominican Republic (Discovering The Caribbean) (Caribbean Today)
by Bob Temple
Presents the geography, history, economy, cities and communities, and people and culture of the Dominican Republic. Includes recipes, related projects, and a calendar of festivals.
Leaving his home in a migrant community, Francisco sets off for college, carrying memories of years of poverty and prejudice.
In 1914, the world celebrated the opening of the Panama Canal, which connected the world's two largest oceans and signaled America's emergence as a global superpower. It was a miracle, this path of water where a mountain had stood--and creating a miracle is no easy thing. Thousands lost their lives, and those who survived worked under the harshest conditions for only a few silver coins a day. From the young "silver people" whose back-breaking labor built the Canal to the denizens of the endange...
Following extensive travel and research in Brazil, Paul Guinness has created this work based on primary source figures and illustrative case studies, designed for A Level students. Using an issues-based approach he includes all the major physical, human and environmental geographical themes. There are 28 separate case studies, and student questions throughout.