El niño que domó el viento / The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind
by William Kamkwamba
El libro en el que se basó la película de Netflix con el mismo nombre, protagonizada y dirigida por Chiwetel Ejiofor, esta es una apasionante memoria de supervivencia y perseverancia sobre el heroico joven inventor que trajo electricidad a su pueblo de Malawi. El sueño de un niño puede cambiar el mundo entero. Esta es una inspiradora historia, basada en la vida real del autor, sobre el poder de la imaginación y la fuerza de la determinación. Cuando una terrible sequía asoló la pequeña alde...
There is comprehensive coverage for O and A level pupils, allowing the book to be used over a period of several years. The length has been increased by sixteen pages. Questions are included for each level. Maps: there are sixteen pages of six colour offical survey maps, most of which are metric. Photographs: photographic interpretation is an important aspect of examinations and there are now twelve pages of black and white photographs which correspond to the maps. All working formula...
Human Rights in Africa (Africa Progress and Problems)
by Brian Broughan
Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe, 2nd Edition (Dictatorships)
by James R. Arnold and Roberta Wiener
Africa is well known for its fascinating wildlife and its abundant natural resources. However, the continents resources are shrinking rapidly as a result of industrialization and population growth. In recent years scientists have seen a dramatic loss in wildlife and habitat, an increase in air and water pollution, and disturbing signs of climate change. This book discusses the ecological issues facing Africa today, including deforestation and desertification, threats to the continents biodiversi...
The History Of The African & Caribbean Communities In Britain (The History Of)
by Hakim Adi
Discover the fascinating history of African and Caribbean communities in Britain, from pre-Roman times to the 21st Century.Newly updated, The History of African and Caribbean Communities in Britain explores why people came to Britain, the problems they faced and the contributions these communities have made to British society. Brought to life with case studies and rarely published photographs, this is an opportunity to get up close to the experiences and vital impact African and Caribbean people...
A journey up the Nile River is a voyage along the largest river in the world. We travel the entire 6,670km, from the enormous Lake Victoria in East Africa, to the huge fan-shaped delta where the Nile joins the Mediterranean Sea. Along the way we will see some beautiful landscapes, exotic wildlife and learn more about the people and places that line this extraordinary river. In this title, the river has been divided into six sections and each section begins with a map showing the area that will...
Let's Visit Seychelles (Let's visit)
by Peter John Hassall and Susan Hassall
A countries series packed with up-to-date information and statistics, and including many useful website addresses. The books cover all the key aspects of the country, including physical geography, main towns and cities, farming and fishing, resources and industry, employment, transport and communications, daily life, food, religion, sport and leisure, government, and the country's place in the world.
Examines the geography, history, people, and environment of the African continent.
Introducing Nigeria, its people and the ways in which they earn a living, this book looks at the effect their wealth has on their way of life. It includes information on the peoples and religions of West Africa, the Kingdom of Benin, the slave trade and Nigeria's most important festivals. The book is part of a series based around the illustrations used in the Economically Developing Countries series, but reducing the reading age and amount of text to make the books accessible at a lower level. I...
Kenya (Destination Detectives) (Countries of the World)
by Rob Bowden
An informative look at this important East African country. An ideal source of information for geography classes and country reports. Valuable case studies cover topics such as the Turkwel Gorge Dam, devastating spread of AIDS, Marich Pass eco-tourism project. Graphs, charts and statistics.
Sierra Leone (Africa: Continent in the Balance (part 2))
by Judy L Hasday
El niño que domó el viento (álbum ilustrado) / The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind
by William Kamkwamba
Ahora en Netflix. El sueño de un niño puede cambiar el mundo entero. La historia real de William Kamkwamba, un héroe de nuestro tiempo, en formato álbum ilustrado. Cuando una terrible sequía asoló la pequeña aldea donde vivía William Kamkwamba, su familia perdió todas las cosechas y se quedó sin nada que comer y nada que vender. William comenzó entonces a investigar en los libros de ciencia que había en la biblioteca en busca de una solución, y de este modo encontró la idea que cambiaría l...