A selection of exciting stories from different faiths, illustrated with vibrant artwork. Each story is linked to the beliefs and practises of the faith.
Exam Preparation Support File (Collins GCSE English & literature)
by John Mannion and Andrew Bennett
This course provides a straightforward and streamlined resource that will raise standards for students at English GCSE. The photocopiable Teacher’s File supports the student book. Extension material, including example answers, is provided, together with a range of assignments that meet a variety of criteria.
This series aims to improve the standard of KS3 students' writing, and help them make the transition from readers to confident writers. Writing is the most difficult language skill to learn and teach. Through its emphasis on supported practice Collins Active Writing demystifies the process and builds towards test success. For each KS3 year, Collins Active Writing comprises one student text book and one teacher's resource. Together, these elements equip the pupils with the tools to write and supp...
Year 8 Teacher’s Resource 1 (Impact English)
by Mike Gould, Mary Green, John Mannion, and Kim Richardson
A brand new series for KS3 English offering unprecedented levels of differentiation and stimulating texts, Impact English provides all the material teachers need to offer an adequate challenge to all their pupils. • Offers differentiated lesson plans, each specifically written to match the targeted ability range • Provides for planning, target setting and progression with practice tests and modelled answers at different NC levels • Allows you to customise lesson pla...
Nelson Thornes Framework English Skills in Grammar and Style - Pupil Book 1
by Geoff Reilly
Each double page spread starts with explanatory text to help students complete the tasks which follow. There are three levels of activities: Focus tasks for the lower attainers, Investigation tasks to further challenge students, and Extension tasks for the more able students. Assessment can be monitored at regular intervals in check-up units in the Students' Book and in Assessment Copymasters in the Resource Book. "Nelson Thornes Framework English Skills in Spelling and Vocabulary" also comprise...
Livewire Sci-Fi (Livewire sci-fi)
Livewire Sci-Fi (Livewire sci-fi)
This workbook accompanies the second three plays in the Dark Man Series; The Demon in the Dark, The Dark Realm of Screams and Change in the Dark. The workbook includes teachers notes and photocopiable literacy activities. The Dark Man Plays continuing the adventures of the Dark Man. The Dark Man series has won great acclaim and awards for its ability to engage older very reluctant readers who have a reading age as low as 5 to 7 years. Each book features the Dark Man, a shadowy, brooding loner...
These colourful books teach the basic letters and sounds of the alphabet. There are 49 books in total. The first 26 books cover the each of the letters of the alphabet (A-Z). An additional 23 books cover the most common digraphs, two- and three-letter graphemes additional common letters and sounds met in the phonics programme Letters and Sounds. The books use real life photographs and attractive images to help children learn to recognise these letters and sounds. A final page shows the children...
These colourful books teach the basic letters and sounds of the alphabet. There are 49 books in total. The first 26 books cover the each of the letters of the alphabet (A-Z). An additional 23 books cover the most common digraphs, two- and three-letter graphemes additional common letters and sounds met in the phonics programme Letters and Sounds. The books use real life photographs and attractive images to help children learn to recognise these letters and sounds. A final page shows the children...
This teacher’s CD accompnies the Communicate textbook which covers the English and Communications syllabus for Leaving Certificate Applied.
AQA English GCSE Specification B
by David Stone, Jackie Bivens, and Tony Farrell
Supporting the GCSE English Literature Students' Book, the ideal text for AQA Specification B (formerly SEG) candidates, this comprehensive book offers the resources you need to ensure candidates at every level achieve their very best. BLDrama texts covered include: The Importance of Being Ernest, An Inspector Calls and Pygmalion BLPoetry includes: Keats, Rossetti, Clare, Marvell, Donne, Browning, 'Anon', Heaney, Hughes, Plath, Harrison, Larkin, Patten and Jennings BLProse texts covered include:...