Since the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 by a United Nations mandate, the Middle East has been a flashpoint of conflict between the world's only Jewish state and the Palestinians, who lost their land because of the UN partition. Although peace agreements were signed with Egypt and Jordan in the 1970s and 1980s, and negotiations are ongoing with Syria and Lebanon, Israel's relationship with Palestine continues to be marked by violence. Despite the ongoing conflict with Palestine, Is...
Arab-Israeli Conflict Paperback (Troubled World)
This new series provides a thorough account of 20th Century conflicts, whilst supplying more than just a straightforward narrative. Each book tackles a different conflict and examines the effect on ordinary people, provides biographies of the leading figures involved and examines media coverage. Includes: - photos and maps - timeline - glossary and index - other resources such as web sites, contact details of organisations, list of further reading.
The Parthians and Sassanids Children's Middle Eastern History Books
by Baby Professor
Sisters of the War: Two Remarkable True Stories of Survival and Hope in Syria
by Rania Abouzeid
An extraordinary true account of the enormous tragedy of the Syrian civil conflict. Since the civil war in Syria began in 2011, over 500,000 civilians have been killed and more than 12 million Syrians have been displaced. Rania Abouzeid, one of the foremost journalists on the topic, follows two pairs of sisters from opposite sides of the conflict to give readers a first-hand glimpse of the turmoil and devastation this strife has wrought. Sunni...
Creation of the Modern Middle East Set (Creation of the Modern Middle East)
Each title in the revised "Creation of the Modern Middle East" set discusses the history of a particular Middle Eastern nation, focusing on the people and events that led to its creation. Generously illustrated and updated to contain current events, these books discuss the legacy of both the distant and recent history of each country and provide a better understanding of trends and conflicts in the Middle East today. Complemented by helpful features such as new photographs, maps, an updated chro...
How to Get Published on Amazon (How to Get Published on Amazon, #1)
by John J McBrearty
Saudi Arabia (Creation of the Modern Middle East)
by Heather Lehr Wagner
Saudi Arabia was shaped by the vision of one man at the beginning of the twentieth century and it is still governed by his descendants more than 100 years later.
This atlas focuses on the Ancient Near East, and particularly the area known as Mesopotamia, the acknowledged "cradle of civilization". It treats the story of the first civilizations of this area both historically and culturally, and presents the key steps of the rise to civilization - farming, urbanization, writing, development of technology, and more. Maps and reconstructions, supported by explanatory text, guide the reader through the history of the area and help to bulid up a picture of what...
Sumer and Akkad Children's Middle Eastern History Books
by Baby Professor
Arab-Israeli Conflict (Causes & consequences) (Witness to History)
by Stewart Ross
The Medes, the Persians and the Romans Children's Middle Eastern History Books
by Baby Professor
Bahrain (Modern Middle East Nations and Their Strategic Place in the World) (Major Muslim Nations)
by Lisa McCoy
In this ground-breaking memoir set in Ramallah during the aftermath of the 1967 Six-Day War, lbtisam Barakat captures what it is like to be a child whose world is shattered by war. With candour and courage, she stitches together memories of her childhood: fear and confusion as bombs explode near her home; the harshness of life as a Palestinian refugee; her unexpected joy when she discovers Alef, the first letter of the Arabic alphabet. This is the beginning of her passionate connection to words,...
True Teen Stories from Syria (Surviving Terror: True Teen Stories from Around the World)
by Kristin Thiel
Conflict in the Middle East, 1945-95 (Hodder GCSE History for Edexcel)
by John Wright and Steve Waugh
Exam Board: EdexcelLevel: GCSESubject: HistoryFirst Teaching: September 2016First Exam: June 2018 Endorsed for EdexcelHelp your students achieve their full potential while ensuring pace, enjoyment and motivation with this unique series from the leading History publisher; developed by expert educators who know how to instil deep subject knowledge and an appetite for lifelong learning. - Provides distinct approaches to the different components of the 2016 specification, ensuring that your classr...
Arab-Israeli Wars (Wars That Changed the World S.) (Wars That Changed the World)
by Ken Hills