The Big Roles Slaves Played in the Ancient African Society - History Books Grade 3 Children's History Books
by Baby Professor
Illustrated Atlas of Africa (Continents in Close-up S.)
by Malcolm Porter and Keith Lye
With these mini-encyclopedias, young researchers get a broad and accessible overview of the world's continents and the major countries they comprise. Geographical maps blend relief and topographical information. Additional two-page maps represent people and beliefs, climate and vegetation, ecology and environment, the economy, and politics and history. Original maps, illustrations, and information panels offer an up-close view of the African continent, its nations and territories, and the islan...
Egypt (Opposing Viewpoints (Paperback)) (Opposing Viewpoints (Hardcover))
Facing the Lion (Biography)
by Joseph Lemasolai Lekuton and Herman J. Viola
Joseph Lemasolai Lekuton gives American kids a firsthand look at growing up in Kenya as a member of a tribe of nomads whose livelihood centers on the raising and grazing of cattle. Readers share Lekuton's first encounter with a lion, the epitome of bravery in the warrior tradition. They follow his mischievous antics as a young Maasai cattle herder, coming-of-age initiation, boarding school escapades, soccer success, and journey to America for college. Lekuton's riveting text combines exotic deta...
Info Teach Kit-Eyewitness Ancient Egypt (DK Eyewitness)
As children "discover" ancient Egypt with this kit, they also develop the broader ability to organize and interpret evidence from a variety of sources. Working as amateur archaeologists and historians, pupils can explore and reconstruct ancient villages, homes and tombs (including the pyramids). Other projects encourage them to gather cultural clues from jewellery, clothing and religious artefacts. The kit also emphasizes the role of Egypt's most notable geographical features - the desert and th...
They Fought for Freedom: James La Guma: Grade 10 - 12 (They Fought for Freedom)
by M. Adhikari
This series honours the lives of Southern African leaders who helped shape the history of the region. The books include activities for exploration in the classroom. James grew up as an orphan who had to leave school at an early age to begin working, yet he became one of South Africa's most respected advocates of democracy, an independent thinker and tireless fighter for justice.
Causes and Consequences of the First World War (Causes & Consequences S.)
by Stewart Ross
The Awesome Egyptians (Horrible Histories) (Horrible Histories TV Tie-in)
by Terry Deary and Peter Hepplewhite
Step back to an awesomely ancient time with the Awesome Egyptians. Discover which king had the worst blackheads, why some kings had to wear false beards and why the peasants were revolting. History with the nasty bits left in! 2013 is HORRIBLE HISTORIES twentieth anniversary.
C Press Focus on History 1
South Africa 1948–1994 (Cambridge History Programme Key Stage 4)
by Rosemary Mulholland
A range of textbooks covering many of the options available on GCSE history specifications. This book focuses on the struggle by the black majority for political and social freedom in South Africa. Beginning with an account of the origins of racism, segregation and republicanism before 1948, it concentrates on the history of South Africa following the establishment of the apartheid regime. Topics include apartheid in practice, the Sharpeville massacre, the end of apartheid and Nelson Mandela a...
Nelson Mandela (Champion of Freedom (Morgan Reynolds))
by Kem Knapp Sawyer
In the wealthy West, it's assumed that Africa is the problem and we are the solution. This timely book argues the opposite. Though couched in benevolent terms, Western policies in fact have for decades helped fuel the continent's devastating decline. Every year, far more of Africa's riches flow out to the rich world than we plough into Africa. In this systematic process of exploitation, explains author Gerald Caplan, first-world leaders work in happy harmony with African despots to wreak havoc o...
They Fought for Freedom: David Webster: Grade 10 - 12 (They Fought for Freedom)
by Julie Frederickse and John Pampallis
When David Webster went to study anthropology at a university in South Africa, he started to look at things with new eyes. He became respected academic in the field of social anthropology and played a key role in bringing about change in South Africa. He became an authority on the apartheid government's use of repression and "death squads" to counter the anti-apartheid movement. In 1989, David Webster was gunned down, in front of his house. At the time of publication in1997, the Truth and Reco...
Darfur (Current Controversies (Paperback)) (Current Controversies (Library))
How Would You Survive as an Ancient Egyptian? (How Would You Survive?)
by Jacqueline Morley
By reading this book, the reader is transported down a "time tunnel" to the period of the book, asked to choose an identity and given information on all aspects of life in that time in an original, interactive way. A rating is given to establish whether the reader would really have survived. A colour poster is also included inside the jacket.
Thabo Mbeki: Grade 10 - 12 (They Fought for Freedom)
by Adrian Hadland and Jovial Rantao
Thabo Mbeki was elected President of South Africa in 1999. However, little is known about the earlier years of this great statesman of African and the world. This book traces the life and adventures of Thabo Mbeki. You can read about his childhood years in Transkei, his desperate escape into exile, the years spent in Europa and Africa, and his rise to president of his country.
In the biggest stay away ever in south Africa, hundreds of thousands of people mourned the assassination of Chris Hani in April 1993. He was the first liveration movement leader to be buried with full military honours. This book pays tribute to Chris Hani: the man of learning, the soldier, the individual. In Nelson Mandela's words, "He was a fighter for peace, freedom and justice. Above all, he was a lover of the poor, the workers and the rural masses. He was a true son of the soil."