Channel the magic of the Harry Potter films from the screen to your needles with the ultimate knitter’s guide to the Wizarding World. Featuring 28 magical knits pictured in gorgeous full-color photography, this book includes patterns for clothing, home projects, and keepsakes pulled straight from the movies—and even includes a few iconic costume pieces as seen on-screen. With yarn suggestions based on the true colors used in the films, projects range from simple patterns like the Hogwarts house...
Cool Animals: In the Air, on Land and in the Sea (Children's Animal Books)
by Baby Professor
Thoroughly investigated by a former Army officer and taken from his review of hundreds of historical and government documents and in-person interviews, this book chronicles more than 100 sightings, events, and discoveries of alien encounters, government conspiracy, and the influence of extraterrestrials on human events throughout history. From prehistoric UFO sightings, cave paintings, and ancient astronauts to modern sightings around the world, this book investigates claims of aliens living amo...
Path of Night (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, #3)
by Sarah Rees Brennan
Half-witch, half-mortal sixteen-year-old Sabrina Spellman has made her choice: she's embraced her witchy roots, and her power is growing daily. But will it come at too high a price? It's not easy being half-mortal, half-witch. At least, not for Sabrina Spellman. She just discovered that her dad is Satan ... and that it's her destiny to rule Hell.As usual, Sabrina's got other plans for her future. She's figured out a way to trap her father ... but he's caged in the body of her boyfriend, Nick Sc...
For the first time ever, get up close and personal with dragons! Amazing fold-out pages bring you face to face with the largest and deadliest dragons ever imagined. Peer into the life-size fiery jaws of Draco rex and admire the beautiful silvery scales of an ice dragon. Plus, discover how different dragon species have adapted to harsh desert, ocean and jungle habitats. Learn how dragons breathe fire and why they love gold. And most importantly, find out if dragons still exist today.....
Super Interesting Facts For Curious Minds
by Art Ram Publishing
A Story of Medicine in 50 Discoveries (History in 50, #0)
by Marguerite Vigliani, M. D. and Gale Eaton
The 5,000-year-old Iceman discovered frozen in the Alps may have treated his gallstones, Lyme disease, and hardening of the arteries with the 61 tattoos that covered his body—most of which matched acupuncture points—and the walnut-sized pieces of fungus he carried on his belt. The herbal medicines chamomile and yarrow have been found on 50,000-year-old teeth, and neatly bored holes in prehistoric skulls show that Neolithic surgeons relieved pressure on the brain (or attempted to release evil spi...
Honest Dealing (The Sefwarian Nyss, #1)
by Erica-Jane Battisson
An Illustrated History of Urban Legends (The Illustrated History Of)
by Adam Allsuch Boardman
From the campfire to the digital rumour mill, urban legends have flourished wherever we tell stories. Whether once true, sprouted from half remembered facts or entirely fictional, we have scrutinised these legends for centuries. This book will ferry you across a river of uncanny tales, from classic folklore to contemporary urban legend. So, check the closet, make sure the skies are clear and delve in if you are ready to imagine the strange.
Kids Book of Questions. Why Do I...? (Kids Book of Questions, #1) (Big Books of How & Why)
The Ultimate Brain Games And Puzzles Book For Teens
by Donovan Ellis
Science's Greatest Mysteries (Scientific American Explores Big Ideas)
Interweaving science and storytelling, spirituality and art, a neuroscientist and an artist guide us toward a deeper understanding of how radically interconnected all of life is. Starting from science, while reaching for spiritual truth, The Forgotten Teachers charts the evolution of life on Earth under the mentorship of six teachers: Ocean, Air, Theia (through collision with this planet, Earth was set on its tilt), Sun, Plants, and Symbionts. Ideas from the field of evolutionary biology, acco...
99 curiosidades que nadie sabe sobre el fútbol / 99 Curiosities No One Knows About Soccer
El libro definitivo para conocer todos los secretos del deporte rey: desde la historia más épica hasta la jugada más absurda ¿Sabes cuánto duró la tanda de penaltis más larga de la historia? ¿Qué jugador de la historia ha hecho más hat-tricks? ¿Sabías que un árbitro sacó 36 rojas en un solo partido? Si piensas que ya tienes todo el conocimiento futbolístico bajo control, déjame decirte que todavía te queda mucho por aprender. 99 curiosidades que nadie sabe sobre el fútbol es el libro definit...