Humpback Whales (Living in the Wild: Sea Mammals) (Heinemann Infosearch: Living in the Wild: Sea Mammals)
by Anna Claybourne
Here’s an animal lover’s one-stop source for in-depth information on humpback whales! What do they eat? How do they behave? Are they at risk? This book also includes loads of fun and fascinating facts about humpback whales, as well as maps, charts, and wonderful photographs of these amazing creatures.
Detailed photographs and highlighted text specific to certain pet care help the young pet owner understand what a pet's needs may be and how to cater for them. From living arrangements to vet trips, each title encourages responsible behaviour with owing a pet. Ages 8-11.
by Queenie Activitys
Sharks (Creatures of the Ocean) (Portrait of the Animal World)
by Andrew Cleave
A A Truly Raptor-ous Welcome (unSPARKed, #2)
by Corinna Turner
El A, B, C del cuidado de Nuestro Compañero Peludo (00)
by Carlos Marinoni
This book cover folds out into an amazing giant poster. It contains seven breathtaking life-size pull-out illustrations. It has stunningly detailed, full colour, life-like illustrations. Lively text describes the animals in exciting detail. Experience the world's most dangerous creatures - up close and life-size! Amazing fold-out pages bring you face to face with the largest and most deadly animals in the world. Terrifying creatures, from the fearsome tiger to the giant anaconda, are brought to...
Look into the eyes of a King Cobra and the tooth-filled mouth of a crocodile with this book in the hugely popular Life-size series! With amazing giant flaps to fold out to true life proportions, you can now experience the amazing world of reptiles without leaving your home or risking your life. Covering all kinds of snakes, lizards, crocodiles and alligators and turtles this book is filled with fascinating information about the incredible world of the reptile.
These charming books take a first look at baby animals for young readers. The layout is clear and simple and the pictures bright and colourful. Low level text helps children to recognise words and phonics for early reading skills. A glossary explains the less common words which young readers may not have encountered and the books also contain a table of contents and index.
War Dogs: Tales of Canine Heroism, History, and Love
by Rebecca Frankel
Steve Backshall's Deadly series: Deadly Detectives (Steve Backshall's Deadly)
by Steve Backshall
Finding wildlife is rarely easy - unless you're Steve Backshall! In DEADLY DETECTIVES Steve tells young trackers everything they need to know about the origins of tracking, what you need to become a tracker and how to do it, whether the wild world is your own back garden, ancient woodlands, the riverside or coast. He illustrates his tips with examples of his own detective work on land and in the water from tropical rainforests to the African Savannah, from the Arctic tundra to the desert. Join...
Packed full of facts this vibrantly illustrated book shines a light on dinosaurs like never before! Did you know that the Argentinosaurus weighed about as much as 12 elephants and grew as tall as a five-story building? Or that T. rex could crush a car in a single bite? Or that some dinosaur eggs were as big as American footballs? This exciting picture book is full of these and many more fascinating fact nuggets. Using striking visual comparisons, quiz questions and bite-sized facts, thi...
The official guide to the amazing virtual world of National Geographic Kids Animal Jam, this colourful, fun companion book offers novices and expert gamers alike all they need to know. Richly illustrated with colourful photography and Animal Jam-style art, this book reveals never-before-known information about the game's world and its animal inhabitants. Packed with photos, facts, and fun, it's also a great guide to real-world animals, making it both a fact extravaganza and a game hand...
Thresher Sharks (Amazing World of Sharks)
by Elizabeth Roseborough
A playful book of puns from the Instagram megastar rabbit, @wally_and_molly. Described as a cross between a poodle and a pom-pom, Wally is an English angora rabbit with giant, wing-like ears, fluffy bellbottom paws, and a twinkling smile. His owner Molly brought him home on New Year’s Day in 2015. Since then, he has become a veritable Internet sensation thanks not only to his adorable stature, but also to his humorous voice. In WALLY, you'll learn about his thoughts, feelings, and hobbies,...
"Describes the search for the earliest human ancestors, from ancient apes to the australopiths"--Provided by publisher.
The Seashore (First Discovery)
by Pascale De Bourgoing and Jeunesse Gallimard
Dig in the sand, peep under stones, pick up colorful shells. Find crabs and shrimps, oysters and limpets, mussels and starfish.