Advanced Data Analytics for Power Systems
Experts in data analytics and power engineering present techniques addressing the needs of modern power systems, covering theory and applications related to power system reliability, efficiency, and security. With topics spanning large-scale and distributed optimization, statistical learning, big data analytics, graph theory, and game theory, this is an essential resource for graduate students and researchers in academia and industry with backgrounds in power systems engineering, applied mathema...
Advanced Signal Processing (Telecommunications)
The IEE in association with the IEEE and IERE organised an international specialist seminar on Advanced Signal Processing in Radar, Sonar and Communications, in September 1984. The Seminar was held at the University of Warwick and this book contains a collection of the papers presented. Some of the material is of a tutorial nature while some of it represents the latest state-of-the-art. Inevitably, because signal processing is limited by the components available, the subject matter ranges from t...
Applied Digital Signal Processing: Theory and Practice
by Dimitris G. Manolakis and Vinay K. Ingle
Game Theory in Wireless and Communication Networks
by Zhu Han, Dusit Niyato, and Walid Saad
This unified treatment of game theory focuses on finding state-of-the-art solutions to issues surrounding the next generation of wireless and communications networks. Future networks will rely on autonomous and distributed architectures to improve the efficiency and flexibility of mobile applications, and game theory provides the ideal framework for designing efficient and robust distributed algorithms. This book enables readers to develop a solid understanding of game theory, its applications a...
Networked Control of Multi-Agent Systems (De Gruyter STEM)
by Jan Lunze
During the last decade, networked control systems have developed as a new area of control theory, which studies a set of physical components and control systems that are connected by a digital communication network. Potential application areas are multi-vehicle systems (e.g. platoons on highways) or power grids. There are two new challenges of this theory. First, the data network provides flexible communication means in which every component in a control loop may send information to any other co...
The aim of this book is to introduce the general area of Digital Signal Processing from a practical point of view with a working minimum of mathematics. The emphasis is placed on the practical applications of DSP: implementation issues, tricks and pitfalls. Intuitive explanations and appropriate examples are used to develop a fundamental understanding of DSP theory, laying a firm foundation for the reader to pursue the matter further. The reader will develop a clear understanding of DSP technolo...
This proceedings volume collects the most up-to-date, comprehensive and state-of-the-art knowledge on wireless communication, sensor network, network technologies, services and application.Written by world renowned researchers, each chapter is original in content, featuring high-impact presentations and late-breaking contributions.Researchers and practitioners will find this edition a useful resource material and an inspirational read.
Design and MATLAB concepts have been integrated in text. Integrates applications as it relates signals to a remote sensing system, a controls system, radio astronomy, a biomedical system and seismology.
Artificial Vision is a rapidly growing discipline, aiming to build computational models of the visual functionalities in humans, as well as machines that emulate them. Visual communication in itself involves a numberof challenging topics with a dramatic impact on contemporary culture where human-computer interaction and human dialogue play a more and more significant role. This state-of-the-art book brings together carefully selected review articles from world renowned researchers at the foref...
RF and Digital Signal Processing for Software-Defined Radio
by Tony J Rouphael
Understand the RF and Digital Signal Processing Principles Driving Software-defined Radios! Software-defined radio (SDR) technology is a configurable, low cost, and power efficient solution for multimode and multistandard wireless designs. This book describes software-defined radio concepts and design principles from the perspective of RF and digital signal processing as performed within this system. After an introductory overview of essential SDR concepts, this book examines signal modulation...
Instructor's Solutions Manual, Fundamentals of Statistical Processing, Volume I
by Steven Kay
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.A practical guide to next-generation wireless terrestrial optical communication through the atmospheric channelTerrestrial Wireless Optical Communication provides in-depth details on free space optics (FSO), from basic concepts to design implementation. The book explains channel characteristics in the near-IR a...
Electromagnetic Devices for Motion Control and Signal Processing (Signal Processing and Digital Filtering)
by Yuly M. Pulyer and C S Burrus
This book is dedicated to electrical and mechanical engineers involved with the design of magnetic devices for motion con trol and other instrumentation that uses magnetic principles and technology. It can be of benefit to graduate and postgrad uate students to gain experience with electro-magnetic princi ples and also with different aspects of magnetic coupling mech anisms and magnetic circuitry analysis for the design of devices such as electrical servo motors, tachogenerators, encoders, gyro...
Radio-Frequency Digital-to-Analog Converters
by Morteza S Alavi, Jaimin Mehta, and Robert Bogdan Staszewski
With the proliferation of wireless networks, there is a need for more compact, low-cost, power efficient transmitters that are capable of supporting the various communication standards, including Bluetooth, WLAN, GSM/EDGE, WCDMA and 4G of 3GPP cellular. This book describes a novel idea of RF digital-to-analog converters (RFDAC) and demonstrates how they can realize all-digital, fully-integrated RF transmitters that support all the current multi-mode and multi-band communication standards. Wi...
Multiwavelength Optical Networks
by Thomas E. Stern, Krishna Bala, and George Ellinas
Multiwavelength Optical Networks provides complete coverage of the next level of communication networks-multiwavelength optical networks which meet the bandwidth demands of today's expanding networks. Renowned wireless veteran Thomas E. Stern teams with industry innovator Krishna Bala to deliver a comprehensive framework for understanding the technology, encompassing the concepts, methodology, and features of lightwave networks, such as physical layout, functionality, and algorithms. The book co...