Introduction to Sensors for Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
by Martin Novak
Sensors are all around us. They are in phones, cars, planes, trains, robots, mils, lathes, packaging lines, chemical plants, power plants, etc. Modern technology could not exist without sensors. The sensors measure what we need to know and the control system then performs the desired actions. When an engineer builds any machine he or she needs to have basic understanding about sensors. Correct sensors need to be selected for the design right from the start. The designer needs to think about the...
Chromatic Monitoring of Complex Conditions (Series in Sensors)
by Gordon Rees Jones
Explaining the chromatic methodology for the intelligent monitoring of complex systems, Chromatic Monitoring of Complex Conditions demonstrates that chromatic processing is analogous to human vision yet also extends into a wide range of nonoptical domains. Taking a practical approach that utilizes many examples and graphs, the book presen
Electronic Interfaces for Differential Capacitive Sensors (Electronic Materials and Devices)
by Gianluca Barile, Giuseppe Ferri, and Vincenzo Stornelli
In a world where great efforts are spent designing and creating more complex, yet efficient systems, sensing elements and related readout circuits, which constitute an integral part of them, need to be designed fulfilling these constraints, beside the common key parameters, such as high sensitivity, resolution and accuracy. Capacitive sensors and their differential subset provide virtually no energy dissipation, show insensitivity to temperature variations and have the capability to be micromach...
Biochemical Sensors
This book is the first to comprehensively treat sensors for gustatory and olfactory senses. It will be highly useful to students and researchers in a wide variety of scientific fields and also to those in the fields of foods, perfumes, medicines and robotics as the sensor applications.
The Instrument and Automation Engineers' Handbook (IAEH) is the #1 process automation handbook in the world. The two volumes in this greatly expanded Fifth Edition deal with measurement devices and analyzers. Volume one, Measurement and Safety, covers safety sensors and the detectors of physical properties, while volume two, Analysis and Analyzers, describes the measurement of such analytical properties as composition. Complete with 245 alphabetized chapters and a thorough index for quick acces...
The mBot robotics platform is a hugely popular kit because of the quality of components and price. With hundreds of thousands of these kits out there in homes, schools and makerspaces, there is much untapped potential. Getting Started with mBots is for non-technical parents, kids and teachers who want to start with a robust robotics platform and then take it to the next level. The heart of the mBot, the mCore is a powerful Arduino based microcontroller that can do many things without soldering o...
X-Ray Metrology in Semiconductor Manufacturing
by D Keith Bowen and Brian K. Tanner
The scales involved in modern semiconductor manufacturing and microelectronics continue to plunge downward. Effective and accurate characterization of materials with thicknesses below a few nanometers can be achieved using x-rays. While many books are available on the theory behind x-ray metrology (XRM), X-Ray Metrology in Semiconductor Manufacturing is the first book to focus on the practical aspects of the technology and its application in device fabrication and solving new materials problems....
El primer libro de Netduino 2 en espanol
by Carlos Rodriguez Navarro
Powering Autonomous Sensors
by Maria Teresa Penella-Lopez and Manuel Gasulla-Forner
Autonomous sensors transmit data and power their electronics without using cables. They can be found in e.g. wireless sensor networks (WSNs) or remote acquisition systems. Although primary batteries provide a simple design for powering autonomous sensors, they present several limitations such as limited capacity and power density, and difficulty in predicting their condition and state of charge. An alternative is to extract energy from the ambient (energy harvesting). However, the reduced dimens...
Electrochemical DNA Biosensors
This book focuses on the basic electrochemical applications of DNA in various areas, from basic principles to the most recent discoveries. The book comprises theoretical and experimental analysis of various properties of nucleic acids, research methods, and some promising applications. The topics discussed in the book include electrochemical detect
Getting Started with Adafruit Circuit Playground Express
by Anne Barela
Flat and Corrugated Diaphragm Design Handbook (Mechanical Engineering, #11)
by Mario Di Giovanni
Flat and Corrugated Diaphragm Design Handbook provides simple, useful methods for diaphragmdesign, performance evaluation, and material selection. The text is a practical andcomplete guide to solving on-the-job problems faced by instrument designers; structural engineersdesigning plates, panels, and floors; and mechanical engineers designing flexural pivots,couplings, and elastic elements.A leading design engineer has written this authoritative reference for the benefit of his colleaguesin the e...
Resistive, Capacitive, Inductive, and Magnetic Sensor Technologies (Series in Sensors)
by Winncy Y Du
Sensor technologies have experienced dramatic growth in recent years, making a significant impact on national security, health care, environmental improvement, energy management, food safety, construction monitoring, manufacturing and process control, and more. However, education on sensor technologies has not kept pace with this rapid development
Semiconductor Device-Based Sensors for Gas, Chemical, and Biomedical Applications
Sales of U.S. chemical sensors represent the largest segment of the multi-billion-dollar global sensor market, which includes instruments for chemical detection in gases and liquids, biosensors, and medical sensors. Although silicon-based devices have dominated the field, they are limited by their general inability to operate in harsh environments
Progress Reports on Impedance Spectroscopy
Impedance Spectroscopy is a powerful measurement method used in many application fields such as electrochemistry, material science, biology and medicine, semiconductor industry and sensors. This book covers new advances in the field of impedance spectroscopy including fundamentals, methods and applications by contributions from international scientists.
Emotional Experience and Microhistory explores the life and death of Magnús Hj. Magnússon through his diary, poetry and other writing, showing how best to use the methods of microhistory to address complicated historical situations. The book deals with the many faces of microhistory and applies it’s methodology to the life of the Icelandic destitute pauper poet Magnús Hj. Magnússon (1873–1916). Having left his foster home at the age of 19 in 1892, he lived a peripatetic existence in an unstint...
Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) have quickly become one of the hottest computer applications today. With their tight integration of cyber and physical objects, it is believed CPSs will transform how we interact with the physical world, just like the Internet transformed how we interact with one another. A CPS could be a system at multiple scales, from large smart bridges with fluctuation detection and responding functions, to autonomous cars and tiny implanted medical devices.Cyber-Physical System...
Internet of Things (IoT) & Its Applications (Sachan, #112)
by Dr V K Sachan
Contemporary Research and Cutting-Edge Technology in Electrical Engineering (Electrical Engineering)
Big Data Analytics in Future Power Systems
Power systems are increasingly collecting large amounts of data due to the expansion of the Internet of Things into power grids. In a smart grids scenario, a huge number of intelligent devices will be connected with almost no human intervention characterizing a machine-to-machine scenario, which is one of the pillars of the Internet of Things. The book characterizes and evaluates how the emerging growth of data in communications networks applied to smart grids will impact the grid efficiency and...
A Tale of Two Cities / Charles Dickens / World Literature Classics / Illustrated with doodles