Confocal Raman Microscopy (Springer Series in Surface Sciences, #66) (Springer Series in Optical Sciences, #158)
This second edition provides a cutting-edge overview of physical, technical and scientific aspects related to the widely used analytical method of confocal Raman microscopy. The book includes expanded background information and adds insights into how confocal Raman microscopy, especially 3D Raman imaging, can be integrated with other methods to produce a variety of correlative microscopy combinations. The benefits are then demonstrated and supported by numerous examples from the fields of materi...
This volume presents research papers on micro and nano manufacturing and surface engineering which were presented during the 7th International and 28th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research conference 2018 (AIMTDR 2018). The papers discuss the latest advances in miniature manufacturing, the machining of miniature components and features as well as improvement of surface properties. This volume will be of interest to academicians, researchers, and practicing engineers alike.
Chemistry and Physics of Solid Surfaces V (Springer Series in Chemical Physics, #35)
This volume contains review articles which were written by the invited speak- ers of the Sixth International Summer Institute in Surface Science (ISISS), held at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in August 1983. The objective of ISISS is to bring together a group of internationally recognized experts on various aspects of surface science to present tutorial review lectures over a period of one week. Each speaker is asked, in addi- tion, to write a review paper on his lecture topic. The colle...
Interatomic Potential and Structural Stability (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences, #114)
Structural stability is of fundamental importance in materials science. Up-to-date information on the theoretical aspects of phase stability of materials is contained in this volume. Most of the first-principles calculations are based on the local-density approximation (LDA). In contrast, this volume contains very recent results of "going beyond LDA", such as the density gradient expansion and the quantum Monte-Carlomethod. Following the recently introduced theore...
Controlled Radical Polymerization at and from Solid Surfaces (Advances in Polymer Science, #270)
The series Advances in Polymer Science presents critical reviews of the present and future trends in polymer and biopolymer science. It covers all areas of research in polymer and biopolymer science including chemistry, physical chemistry, physics, material science. The thematic volumes are addressed to scientists, whether at universities or in industry, who wish to keep abreast of the important advances in the covered topics. Advances in Polymer Science enjoys a longstanding tradition and good...
This book mainly focuses on the investigation of the electric-field control of magnetism and spin-dependent transportation based on a Co40Fe40B20(CoFeB)/Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)0.7Ti0.3O3(PMN-PT) multiferroic heterostructure. Methods of characterization and analysis of the multiferroic properties with in situ electric fields are induced to detect the direct magnetoelectric (ME) coupling. A switchable and non-volatile electric field control of magnetization in CoFeB/PMN-PT(001) structures is observed at ro...
Organic-Inorganic Composite Membranes for Molecular Separation (Series On Chemical Engineering, #5)
by Wanqin Jin and Gongping Liu Xu
This book gives comprehensive information on the design, preparation and application of organic-inorganic composite membranes that are used for molecular separation. Various membrane types with different materials are highlighted, including polymer/ceramic composite membranes, mixed matrix membranes, metal-organic frameworks membranes and graphene-based membranes. Physical and chemical properties, morphologies, interfacial behaviors, transport characteristics and separation performance of the or...
Tribological Technology in Sheet Metal Forming (Materials Forming, Machining and Tribology)
by Akira Azushima
This state-of-the-art book highlights recent advances and discussions in tribological technologies in sheet metal forming. The contents focus on the fundamentals to the more complex topics such as micro contact and lubricant behaviors, FEM analysis in deep drawing process, usage of tribo-simulators, friction behavior in flat sliding, tribological numerical modeling, and simulation of seizure. This book is a useful reference for academicians and researchers in the field of lubrication, sheet meta...
The topic of thin films is an area of increasing importance in materials science, electrical engineering and applied solid state physics; with both research and industrial applications in microelectronics, computer manufacturing, and physical devices. Advanced, high-performance computers, high-definition TV, broadband imaging systems, flat-panel displays, robotic systems, and medical electronics and diagnostics are a few examples of the miniaturized device technologies that depend on the utiliza...
Handbook of Thin Film Technology
"Handbook of Thin Film Technology" covers all aspects of coatings preparation, characterization and applications. Different deposition techniques based on vacuum and plasma processes are presented. Methods of surface and thin film analysis including coating thickness, structural, optical, electrical, mechanical and magnetic properties of films are detailed described. The several applications of thin coatings and a special chapter focusing on nanoparticle-based films can be found in this handbook...
Laser-Assisted Microtechnology (International Series in Heat and Mass Transfer, #19) (Springer Series in Materials Science, #19)
by S M Metev
An introduction to the principles and techniques of laser-assisted microtechnology with emphasis on micromachining of thin films, microprocessing of materials, maskless laser micropatterning and laser-assisted synthesis of thin-film systems. The experimental and theoretical physico-chemical basis of every technological process is presented. On the basis of some characteristic examples of applications, the capabilities of the technological methods as well as the optimum conditions for their reali...
Surface Engineering of Graphene (Carbon Nanostructures)
This book presents the state of the art in the processing, properties, and applications in various fields of science and technology related to graphene and its derivatives. It also discusses the limitations and drawbacks of graphene due to some of its intrinsic properties. Further, it provides a brief overview of graphene analogs, comparing the properties of graphene with those of other similar 2D materials.
Spectroscopy of Defects in Organic Crystals
by N. I. Ostapenko, V. I. Sugakov, and M. T. Shpak
Spectroscopy of Defects in Organic Crystals presents a masterly summary of the widespread and voluminous literature on the subject, presenting theoretical and experimental investigations of electron and vibronic optical spectra of organic crystals. Electronic states of defects combine to form crystal near-to-band and band levels. These are discrete states in the vicinity of exciton bands, surface and dislocational excitons, etc. Some studies have expressed dissimilar or even conflicting o...
Insulating Films on Semiconductors (Springer Series in Electronics and Photonics, #7)
The INFOS 81 Conference on Insulating Films on Semiconductors was held at the University of Erlangen-NUrnberg in Erlangen from 27 to 29 April 1981. This conference was a sequel to the first conference INFOS 79 held in Durham. INFOS 81 attracted 170 participants from universities, research institutes and industry. Attendants were registered from 15 nations. The biannual topical conference series will be continued by INFOS 83 to be held in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, in April 1983. The conference...
This book is an excellent compilation of cutting-edge research in heterogeneous catalysis and related disciplines - surface science, organometallic catalysis, and enzymatic catalysis. In 23 chapters by noted experts, the volume demonstrates varied approaches using model systems and their successes in understanding aspects of heterogeneous catalysis, both metal- and metal oxide-based catalysis in extended single crystal and nanostructured catalytic materials. To truly appreciate the astounding ad...
Das umfangreiche Standardwerk ermoeglicht es, sich in das Spezialgebiet einzuarbeiten und zeigt Wege, mit denen eine optimale Ausfuhrung des Kontaktsystems in Schaltgeraten erreicht und eine sichere und zuverlassige Kontaktgabe gewahrleistet werden. Neue Herausforderungen und Weiterentwicklungen, die sich bezuglich des Schaltverhaltens elektrischer Kontakte - z.B. beim Einsatz in der Photovoltaik und in Windkraftanlagen - ergeben, sind Schwerpunkte dieser 3. Auflage. Die steigenden Anforderung...
Controlling Collective Electronic States in Cuprates and Nickelates (Springer Theses)
by Martin Bluschke
In this thesis chemical and epitaxial degrees of freedom are used to manipulate charge and spin ordering phenomena in two families of transition metal oxides, while taking advantage of state-of-the-art resonant x-ray scattering (RXS) methods to characterize their microscopic origin in a comprehensive manner. First, the relationship of charge density wave order to both magnetism and the "pseudogap" phenomenon is systematically examined as a function of charge-carrier doping and isovalent chemical...
This brief provides a comprehensive review of lignocellulosic materials and their primary role in the future development of bio-based packaging. Topics such as: sources and extraction methods of lignocellulosic materials; main constituents of lignocellulosic materials; functionality of lignocellulosic materials; the development of bio-based and biodegradable packaging; incorporation of lignocellulosic materials in bio-based packaging materials; properties and functionality of bio-based packaging...
Advances in Bioelectrochemistry Volume 1
This book presents a collection of chapters on modern bioelectrochemistry, showing different aspects of electron transfer reactions in biological systems and techniques. The chapters cover computer simulation, biomolecules on surfaces, direct and mediated electron transfer, electron transfer kinetics, surface-confined biomolecules, field-effect transistor effects, supramolecular electrochemistry, in situ and operando techniques in bioelectrochemistry. They provide relevant bibliographic informat...
Considered a major field of photonics, plasmonics offers the potential to confine and guide light below the diffraction limit and promises a new generation of highly miniaturized photonic devices. This book combines a comprehensive introduction with an extensive overview of the current state of the art. Coverage includes plasmon waveguides, cavities for field-enhancement, nonlinear processes and the emerging field of active plasmonics studying interactions of surface plasmons with active media.
Roadmap of Scanning Probe Microscopy (NanoScience and Technology)
by S Morita
Scanning tunneling microscopy has achieved remarkable progress and become the key technology for surface science. This book predicts the future development for all of scanning probe microscopy (SPM). Such forecasts may help to determine the course ultimately taken and may accelerate research and development on nanotechnology and nanoscience, as well as all in SPM-related fields in the future.
The development and quality assurance of such high-tech materials as semiconductors or biopolymers demand special analytical methods for surfaces and thin films. This book presents the whole spectrum of methods available in a clear manner, moving beyond the basics, equipment and applications to compare these methods. This allows users to find the optimum method in solving any given problem. The book is richly illustrated with 200 figures. Almost 900 references guide to the primary literature. A...