Advanced Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting Techniques
by Dr Wolfgang Becker
Optical Wireless Communications
by Z. Ghassemlooy, W. Popoola, and S. Rajbhandari
The 2nd Edition of Optical Wireless Communications: System and Channel Modelling with MATLAB (R) with additional new materials, is a self-contained volume that provides a concise and comprehensive coverage of the theory and technology of optical wireless communication systems (OWC). The delivery method makes the book appropriate for students studying at undergraduate and graduate levels as well as researchers and professional engineers working in the field of OWC. The book gives a detailed desc...
2007 Report on Rolled Aluminum Rod and Bar, The: World Market Segmentation by City
by Philip M. Parker
High-speed Semiconductor Laser Sources
Femtosecond Laser Filamentation (Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics, #55)
by See Leang Chin
This book attempts to give a discussion of the physics and current and potential applications of the self-focusing of an intense femtosecond laser pulse in a tra- parent medium. Although self-focusing is an old subject of nonlinear optics, the consequence of self-focusing of intense femtosecond laser pulses is totally new and unexpected. Thus, new phenomena are observed, such as long range lam- tation, intensity clamping, white light laser pulse, self-spatial ltering, self-group phase locking, s...
William Risk, Timothy Gosnell and Arto Nurmikko have brought together their diverse expertise from industry and academia to write the first fully comprehensive book on the generation and application of blue-green lasers. This volume describes the theory and practical implementation of three techniques for the generation of blue-green light: nonlinear frequency conversion of infrared lasers, upconversion lasers, and wide bandgap semiconductor diode lasers. In addition, it looks at the various ap...
Laser-based Mid-infrared Sources and Applications (A Wiley-Science Wise Co-Publication)
by Konstantin L. Vodopyanov
An important guide to the major techniques for generating coherent light in the mid-infrared region of the spectrumLaser-based Mid-infrared Sources and Applications gives a comprehensive overview of the existing methods for generating coherent light in the important yet difficult-to-reach mid-infrared region of the spectrum (2-20 m) and their applications. The book describes major approaches for mid-infrared light generation including ion-doped solid-state lasers, fiber lasers, semiconductor la...
Using Lasers as Safe Alternatives for Adhesive Bonding
by Barbara Ewa Ciecińska
Technology has brought about the age of convenience, but at a hefty cost. As a result of a growing production demand on a global scale, adhesive bonding operations also generate a huge amount of hazardous waste. Adhesive bonding, an integral step in manufacturing across several sectors, is one of many culprits of the unprecedented overproduction and environmental burden of municipal, industrial, and hazardous waste. If a cleaner, greener bonding process is formulated, hazardous waste production...
Lichtwellenleiter für die optische Nachrichtenübertragung (Nachrichtentechnik, #16)
by Siegfried Geckeler
Aus den Besprechungen: "... Bei den Grundlagen werden die wichtigsten Begriffe an einfachen und leicht überschaubaren Beispielen erläutert. Wesentliche Aspekte der Übertragung durch Lichtleitfasern werden bereits hier berührt, und der Leser wird auf die folgenden Kapitel vorbereitet. Im nachfolgenden Abschnitt wird detailliert auf die Lichtausbreitung in Monomode- und Multimodefasern eingegangen. Dabei werden die Monomode- und Multimode-Theorie etwa gleich ausführlich behandelt. Das letzte Kapit...
Explores theoretical and experimental studies of the properties of one-dimensional photonic crystals. The authors also consider the possibilities of controlling the characteristics of microwave photonic crystals with the help of electric and magnetic fields and provide examples of new fields of application of microwave photonic crystals. They review measurements of the parameters of layered structures containing nanometer-sized semiconductor and metal layers and explore microwave-compatible load...
Dieses Buch vermittelt eine umfassende Einführung in die Photonik, von den elektrodynamischen und quantenmechanischen Fundamenten bis zu photonischen Komponenten und Geräten wie Lasern, Verstärkern, Modulatoren, Wellenleitern, integrierter Optik und Detektoren. Das Werk versteht sich sowohl als Lehrbuch wie auch als Referenz-Handbuch für den fortgeschrittenen Studierenden, Wissenschafter und Ingenieur. Alle theoretischen Ergebnisse werden aus fundamentalen Prinzipien hergeleitet. Dabei werden m...
Diffractional Optics of Millimetre Waves combines those elements of diffraction theory normally associated with optics, including Gaussian beams, lenses, and mirrors, and extends them into the micro- and millimetre wavelength range. In this regime there are a number of applications in devices, such as automobile proximity sensors, satellite-TV receiving antennae, and non-destructive testing systems. Researchers working in these areas would benefit from greater understanding of the diffraction ph...
Electro-Optical Displays (Optical Science and Engineering, #33)
Covers principles, applications, and issues pertaining to all major elecro-optical displays presently in use, with discussion of display evaluation characteristics and human factor topics. Coverage includes: liquid crystal (LC) display properties, matrix addressing, and photoaddressing issues; time-
Selected Papers on High Power Lasers (Milestone) (SPIE Milestone, v. MS 43)
by John M Soures
Practical Rendering and Computation with Direct3D 11
by Jason Zink, Matt Pettineo, and Jack Hoxley
Direct3D 11 offers such a wealth of capabilities that users can sometimes get lost in the details of specific APIs and their implementation. While there is a great deal of low-level information available about how each API function should be used, there is little documentation that shows how best to leverage these capabilities. Written by active members of the Direct3D community, Practical Rendering and Computation with Direct3D 11 provides a deep understanding of both the high and low level con...
14th IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference
Die Principien Der Sociologie (4)
by Harold Earl Bennett and Herbert Spencer
Tunable Lasers and Applications (Sitzungsberichte Der Heidelberger Akademie Der Wissenschafte)
This book is the first to describe novel measurement techniques of processes during laser-matter interaction using ultra-fast lasers. Targeted at both engineers and physicists, initial chapters address the working tools, the history of laser ultra-fast metrology, an overview of ultra-fast laser sources, and the fundamentals of laser radiation-matter interaction. Ultra-fast laser radiation is discussed in chapter 4, while further chapters describe the methodology of pump and probe in practice, as...