Modeling and Control of Vibration in Mechanical Systems (Automation and Control Engineering)
by Chunling Du and Lihua Xie
From the ox carts and pottery wheels the spacecrafts and disk drives, efficiency and quality has always been dependent on the engineer's ability to anticipate and control the effects of vibration. And while progress in negating the noise, wear, and inefficiency caused by vibration has been made, more is needed. Modeling and Control of Vibration in Mechanical Systems answers the essential needs of practitioners in systems and control with the most comprehensive resource available on the subject...
Sustainable Product Development
This book offers a comprehensive review of sustainability and product design, providing useful information on the relevant regulations and standards for industries to meet increasing market demands for eco-products, while reducing their impact on the environment. The examples and methods presented allow readers to gain insights into sustainable products. The authors also explain how to develop products with sustainability features by applying tools and methods for sustainable design and manufact...
Great Product Designs
Industrial Painter Log (Logbook, Journal - 124 pages, 6 x 9 inches) (Unique Logbook/Record Books)
by Unique Logbooks
The text discusses synthesis, processing, design, simulation and characterization of biomaterials for biomedical application. It synergizes exploration related to the various properties and functionalities in biomedical through extensive theoretical and experimental modeling. The book further presents advanced integrated design and nonlinear simulation problems occurring in biomedical engineering field. It will serve as an ideal reference text for senior undergraduate, graduate students, and aca...
Dudley's Handbook of Practical Gear Design and Manufacture, Second Edition
by Stephen P. Radzevich
A unique, single source reference for all aspects of gears, Dudley's Handbook of Practical Gear Design and Manufacture, Second Edition provides comprehensive and consistent information on the design and manufacture of gears for the expert and novice alike. The second edition of this industry standard boasts seven new chapters and appendices as well as a wealth of updates throughout. New chapters and expanded topics include: Gear Types and Nomenclature, Gear Tooth Design, Gear Reactions and Mount...
Eat Sleep Run Cool Notebook for Production Managers, College Ruled Journal
by Useful Occupations Books
This first volume of the updated and extended 3rd edition of this work covers the basic chemistry and technology of oligo-polyol fabrication, the characteristics of the various oligo-polyol families and the effects of their structure on the properties of the resulting PU. This book is of interest to chemists and engineers in industry and academia as well as anyone working with polyols for the manufacture of PUs.
Valve Amplifiers has been recognized as the most comprehensive guide to valve amplifier design, analysis, modification and maintenance. It provides a detailed presentation of the rudiments of electronics and valve design for engineers and non-experts. The source also covers design principles and construction techniques to help end users build their own tool from scratch designs that work. The author's approach walks the reader through each step of designing and constructing, starting with an ove...
This work contains an integrated bound-in CD-ROM and provides a strong emphasis on design. it includes integrated multimedia, strong coverage of space flight, and the design process. The book also includes an accompanying Website. Topics include: a brief history of flight; an introduction to engineering; aerodynamics; aircraft performances; an introduction to structural engineering; aircraft propulsion; an introduction to airplane stability and control; the space environment - an engineering per...
Inner-Tube Inserter Work Log (Key Work Logs/Work Log)
by Key Work Logs
REFEREN CES . 156 9 Transforma.tion of a Boundary Value Problem to an Initial Value Problem . 157 9.0 Introduction . 157 9.1 Blasius Equation in Boundary Layer Flow . 157 9.2 Longitudinal Impact of Nonlinear Viscoplastic Rods . 163 9.3 Summary . 168 REFERENCES ...168 . 10 From Nonlinear to Linear Differential Equa.tions Using Transformation Groups...169 . 10.1 From Nonlinear to Linear Differential Equations . 170 10.2 Application to Ordinary Differential Equations -Bernoulli's Equation ...173 10...
Traction Drives (Mechanical Engineering)
Developments in Rubber Technology—2 (Polymer Science and Technology, #37)
This book is intended for those people who have a knowledge or understanding of rubber materials and processes but who wish to update their knowledge. It should be read in conjunction with Developments in Rubber Technology-l as that volume discussed developments in natural rubber and selected special purpose synthetic rubbers as well as additives. The authors have been selected for their expertise in each particular field and we, as editors, would like to express our appreciation to the individu...
This book discusses utilizing Big Data and Machine Learning approaches in investigating five aspects of firm level innovation in manufacturing; (1) factors that determine the decision to innovate (2) the extent of innovation (3) characteristics of an innovating firm (4) types of innovation undertaken and (5) the factors that drive and enable different types of innovation. A conceptual model and a cost-benefit framework were developed to explain a firm's decision to innovate. To empirically de...
A revision of the handbook recognized world wide as the leading source of human factors (ergonomics) data and guidelines, it provides completely practical approaches to planning and designing facilities, systems, subsystems, component elements, and products that are to be used by people, based on needs, characteristics, physical capabilities and limitations, and expectations of users. The Handbook includes, for example, facts and data on human body size, reach, strength, reaction time, environme...
The 2007 Report on New Fuel Filters for Light-Duty Internal Combustion Engines and Motor Vehicles
by Philip M. Parker
Service Marketing (Innovations- und Technologiemanagement)
by Helmut Muller
Die Qualitat der Leistung nach dem Verkauf von Investitionsgutern wird auch im Maschinenbau, noch starker als bisher, zum Primarkriterium fur Marktanteile, Kundenbindung und zur Generierung zusatzlicher Geschaftsmoglichkeiten. Der Autor beschreibt die konsequente Anwendung des Marketinggedankens auf Planung und Umsetzung von Zielen und Strategien im Service von Investitionsgutern des Maschinenbaus. Erstmals im deutschsprachigen Raum erscheint ein Praktiker-Fachbuch, das nicht nur Hintergrunde au...
Light Gauge Metal Structures Recent Advances (CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, #455)
The aim of this book is to review recent research and technical advances, including the progress in design codes, related to the engineering applications of light gauge metal sections made in carbon, high strength and stainless steel, as well as aluminium alloys. Included is a review of the new technologies for connections of light gauge metal members. Main advanced applications, for residential, non residential and industrial buildings and pallet rack systems are also covered. For the first tim...
This book features state-of-the-art contributions from two well-established conferences: Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production Conference (CARV2020) and Mass Customization and Personalization Conference (MCPC2020). Together, they focus on the joint design, development, and management of products, production systems, and business for sustainable customization and personalization. The book covers a large range of topics within this domain, ranging from industrial success factors...
This book explores a collection of natural surfaces, their scientific characteristics and their unique engineering potential - demonstrating that engineering applications can be found in unexpected places. The surfaces covered range from botanical ones, like rice and lotus leaves, to insect surfaces, like butterfly and dragonfly wings. The variety of surfaces and numerous engineering potentials described show how biomimicry can be utilized to solve countless real-world problems.
Turbopumps and Pumping Systems
by Ahmad Nourbakhsh, Andr Jaumotte, and Charles Hirsch
Everything important, up-to-date and practical about turbopumps can be found in this book. The material is arranged to cover the most important topics, from basic theories to practical applications. This book can also serve as a useful textbook for students who are taking courses in the area of turbopumps and hydraulic machineries. It is the complete reference book for turbopumps.