Digital Factory for Human-Oriented Production Systems: The Integration of International Research Projects
This book explains how UHF tags and readers communicate wirelessly. It gives an understanding of what limits the read range of a tag, how to increase it (and why that might result in breaking the law), and the practical things that need to be addressed when designing and implementing RFID technology. Avoiding heavy math but giving breadth of coverage with the right amount of detail, it is an ideal introduction to radio communications for engineers who need insight into how tags and readers work....
Principles of Engineering Design
by Atila Ertas, Stephen Ekwaro-Osire, Derrick Tate, and Bugra Ertas
Introducing engineering design as part of the product development process, Principles of Engineering Design uses a unique scientific approach that integrates the presentation of the modern systematic design process with design projects and components design. This textbook demonstrates how to think functionally about design, identify components that fulfill specific functions, relate these functions to the design characteristics of common engineering components, evaluate performance, and integrat...
Theorie und Methoden des Konstruierens (Springer-Lehrbuch)
by Alois Breiing and Manfred Flemming
Neuzeitliche Produkte werden immer komplexer und hybrider, dadurch ist die Aufgabe des Konstrukteurs nicht mehr rein intuitiv zu loesen. Heute sind beim Konstruieren ausser technischem Spezialwissen vor allem Kenntnisse und Geschick im Umgang mit rechnergestutzten und wissenschaftlichen Methoden und Werkzeugen, und die Berucksichtigung wirtschaftlicher und oekologischer Gesichtspunkte, gefragt. Dies schlagt sich notwendigerweise in der Ausweitung der Konstruktionsausbildung an den technisch orie...
Have an idea for a new product? You need a prototype! This fun and practical book is full of eye-opening ideas for fast, ultra-cheap, and creative prototyping to help you bring products to life. Learn how to shop for usable parts at home, toy, and department stores, how to use free CAD software, ordinary shop tools, simple mold-making material, and other equipment and materials to build working product prototypes right in your home. Say you have an idea for a better pair of scissors. Using the u...
Recent Advances in Engineering Science (Lecture Notes in Engineering, #39)
The 25th Anniversary Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science was held as a joint conference with the Applied Mechanics Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers at the University of California, Berkeley from June 20-22, 1988. With the encouragement and support of the SES, we decided to organize a symposium in honor of A. C. Eringen: the founding president of the Society of Engineering Science who provided pioneering leadership during the critical first decade of the Society'...
Innovative Heat Exchangers
This accessible book presents unconventional technologies in heat exchanger design that have the capacity to provide solutions to major concerns within the process and power-generating industries. Demonstrating the advantages and limits of these innovative heat exchangers, it also discusses micro- and nanostructure surfaces and micro-scale equipment, and introduces pillow-plate, helical and expanded metal baffle concepts. It offers step-by-step worked examples, which provide instructions for dev...
Structural Synthesis of Parallel Robots (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, #149)
by Grigore Gogu
"In other words, the invention of a mechanism will be to the scientific kinematist a synthetic problem, - which he can solve by the use of systematic, if also difficult, methods." Reuleaux, F., Theoretische Kinematik, Braunschweig: Vieweg, 1875 Reuleaux, F., The Kinematics of Machinery, London: Macmillan, 1876 and New York: Dover, 1963 (translated by A.B.W. Kennedy) This book represents the third part of a larger work dedicated to the structural synthesis of parallel robots. Part 1 (Gogu 2008a)...
Microcontroller Education (Synthesis Lectures on Mechanical Engineering)
by Dimosthenis Bolanakis
Microcontroller education has experienced tremendous change in recent years. This book attempts to keep pace with the most recent technology while holding an opposing attitude to the No Need to Reinvent the Wheel philosophy. The choice strategies are in agreement with the employment of today's flexible and low-cost Do-It-Yourself (DYI) microcontroller hardware, along with an embedded C programming approach able to be adapted by different hardware and software development platforms. Modern embedd...
Generative Manufacturing of Optical, Thermal and Structural Components (GROTESK)
The book describes and explains the results of the collaborative project Generative Manufacturing of Optical, Thermal and Structural Components over the last three years. The overall goal is the development of a system concept based on generative manufacturing for integrated optical and optomechanical systems. Different developed generative manufacturing processes for glass and specially designed metal powders have been implemented in a single fabrication set up enabling multi-material manufactu...
Praxis der Anwendungsentwicklung (Zielorientiertes Software-Development)
by Carl Steinweg
Die zunehmende Komplexitiit von N-Anwendungssystemen und die Heterogenitiit der bereitgesteUten Zielumgebungen stellen heutzutage jedes Unternehmen vor vielfaltige Aufgaben. Die Entwicklung von An- wendungssoftware ist ein ProzeB, der unter anderem folgenden Einflu&- faktoren ausgesetzt ist: [] sich schnell andemde Geschafte, die innerhalb kilrzester Zeit N-tech- nisch unterstiitzt werden miissen. [] zunehmender Wettbewerbs-und Preisdruck, [] verandertes Angebot an Entwicklungsmethoden mit Verla...
Safety and Risk Modeling and Its Applications (Springer Series in Reliability Engineering)
Safety and Risk Modeling presents the latest theories and methods of safety and risk with an emphasis on safety and risk in modeling. It covers applications in several areas including transportations and security risk assessments, as well as applications related to current topics in safety and risk. Safety and Risk Modeling is a valuable resource for understanding the latest developments in both qualitative and quantitative methods of safety and risk analysis and their applications in operating...
Practical reference on the latest sensory and consumer evaluation techniques available to professionals and academics working in food and consumer goods product development and marketing This unique manual describes how to implement specific sensory and consumer methods based on context and objective. Presented in a direct and straightforward language that will speak to the industry professionals and academics who are on the ground attempting to solve technical questions, it reviews, step by ste...
Dieses Buch thematisiert grundlegende Spezifikationen von Bauteilen und Prozessen, Methoden zur Abschatzung der Bauteileignung und Anwendung der Additiven Fertigung sowie zur Entwicklung von Konzepten und Entwurfen. Der Inhalt ist in vier Schwerpunktkapitel unterteilt: Zuerst wird auf die Integration additiver Fertigungsverfahren in bestehende Prozesse und Massnahmen zur Steigerung der Wertschoepfung eingegangen. Nachfolgend sind Konstruktionen von Bauteilen, deren Gestaltung zur Sicherstellung...
An overview of the CIM theory including a definition of its evolution over the years. It is intended to allow engineers and managers to implement the theory and to use it effectively. Divided into three sections.
Tree-Shaped Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)
by Antonio F. Miguel and Luiz A. O. Rocha
This book provides the first comprehensive state-of-the-art research on tree (dendritic) fluid flow and heat transfer. It covers theory, numerical simulations and applications. It can serve as extra reading for graduate-level courses in engineering and biotechnology. Tree flow networks, also known as dendritic flow networks, are ubiquitous in nature and engineering applications. Tree-shaped design is prevalent when the tendency of the flow (fluid, energy, matter and information) is to move more...
How to Design Trademarks & Logos (Graphic Designers Library)
by John Murphy
Die Anwendung moderner 3D-CAD-Systeme wie Pro/ENGINEER erfordert neue methodische Arbeitstechniken, die in diesem Buch behandelt werden. Neben notwendigen anwendungsspezifischen Voreinstellungen und Festlegungen wird in die Bauteil- und Baugruppenmodellierung wie die damit verbundene Ableitung von technischen Zeichnungen eingeführt. Darüber hinaus werden fortgeschrittene Modellierungstechniken behandelt. In allen Abschnitten stehen die praktischen Übungen mit geeigneten Konstruktionsbeispielen...
In November 1963, a British inventor and reluctant industrialist named Alex Moulton introduced a radical new small-wheeled, dual suspension bicycle at the Earl's Court Cycle Show in London. It was covered in several articles by Reyner Banham, an architecture and design critic and associate editor of Architectural Review and Architects' Journal. Banham believed that the Moulton Bicycle would give rise to "a new class of cyclists," young urban radicals who would cycle out of choice, and not out of...