The Assessment of Cracked Components by Fracture Mechanics (EGF Publication 4)
Fracture mechanics is an important ingredient in the safety analysis of structures, and this publication contains all the papers presented at the 6th Advanced Seminar on Fracture Mechanics (ASFM 6) and is published as part of the European Group on Fracture Series.
Risk assessment and risk analysis are now firmly fixed in the engineer's lexicon. Every engineering project, contract, piece of equipment and design requires this discipline by law. Reliability is the other key element in the mix for smooth running engineering projects and operations. In the modern industrial era, economic factors have resulted in the construction and operation of larger and more complex process plant. Accidents at these types of plants have led to notorious incidents such as Fl...
Fracture Resistance Testing of Monolithic and Composite Brittle Materials
by Jonathan Salem, George D Quinn, and Michael G. Jenkins
The first book of the 3-volume set on Fracture Mechanics is mainly centered on the vast range of the laws of statistical distributions encountered in various scientific and technical fields. These laws are indispensable in understanding the probability behavior of components and mechanical structures that are exploited in the other volumes of this series, which are dedicated to reliability and quality control. The author presents not only the laws of distribution of various models but also the t...
Damage and Fracture Mechanics
The First African InterQuadrennial ICF Conference "AIQ-ICF2008" on Damage and Fracture Mechanics - Failure Analysis of Engineering Materials and Structures", Algiers, Algeria, June 1-5, 2008 is the first in the series of InterQuadrennial Conferences on Fracture to be held in the continent of Africa. During the conference, African researchers have shown that they merit a strong reputation in international circles and continue to make substantial contributions to the field of fracture mechanics. A...
Iiw Recommendations on Methods for Improving the Fatigue Strength of Welded Joints: Iiw-2142-110
by P J Haagensen and S J Maddox
Static and Dynamic Fracture Mechanics (Computational Engineering S.)
The science of fracture mechanics has important practical significance in engineering, since it provides a rational basis for the calculation of the strength of cracked structures and the determination of growth rates of cracks in fatigue. Its use enables components, which may contain crack-like flaws, to be designed with greater safety margins, thereby reducing the risk of in-service failures. This volume covers the numerical methods used in theoretical and applied fracture mechanics. Topics in...
Standardization of Fretting Fatigue Test Methods and Equipment (Stp, #1159)
This book is a spin-off from the International Journal of Fracture and collects lectures and papers presented at the 11th International Conference on Fracture (ICF11), March 20-25, 2005. Included in this volume are introductory addresses, as well as remarks on the presentation of honorary degrees. A collection of papers follows, including presentations by such eminent scientists as B.B. Mandelbrot, G.I. Barenblatt, and numerous others, reviewing advanced research in fracture.
Foundations of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics
Topics in this volume include: stesses in a plate due to the presence of cracks and sharp corners; bearing pressures and cracks; and the distribution in the neighbourhood of a crack in an elastic solid.
An Introduction to the Development and Use of the Master Curve Method (ASTM Manual)
by Donald E McCabe
Fatigue Design (ESIS 16)
A collection of papers presented at the International Symposium on Fatigue Design. Topics covered include the quantification of service load data for realistic fatigue life predictions, the identification of stress states and failure modes in fatigue and the residual life assessment in damaged engineering components. Attention is also given to the philosophy of fatigue design together with the need for simple yet reliable fatigue life prediction tools to help ensure the adequate fatigue strength...
Creep and Fatigue (IMechE Conference Transactions, 1996-2.)
This book is focused on the seismic vulnerability assessment methods, applied to existing buildings, describing several behaviors and new approaches for assessment on a large scale (urban area). It is clear that the majority of urban centers are composed of old buildings, designed according to concepts and rules that are inadequate to the seismic context. How to assess the vulnerability of existing buildings is an essential step to improve the management of seismic risk and its prevention policy...
Computational Aspects of Penetration Mechanics (Lecture Notes in Engineering, #3)