Improving Integrated Pest Management for Crop Protection and Food Security
Integrated pest management combines biological, cultural, physical, and chemical tools to identify, manage, and reduce risk from pests that interfere with crop production. There are several key benefits to learn from the integrated pest management programs, among them the reduction to economic, environmental, and public health risk. It is critical to explore such methods for the protection of crops to ensure and improve upon pest management strategies that are safe, reliable, and low-cost. Imp...
Biotechnological Approaches in Food Adulterants
The book highlights the biotechnological advancement in the area of food adulterants and outlines the current state of art technologies in the detection of food adulterants using omics and nanobiotechnology. The book provides insights to the most recent innovations, trends, concerns, and challenges in food adulterants. It identifies key research topics and practical applications of modern cutting-edge technologies employed for detection of food adulterants including: expansion of food adulteran...
Food Process Engineering: Safety Assurance and Complements pursues a logical sequence of coverage of industrial processing of food and raw material where safety and complementary issues are germane. Measures to guarantee food safety are addressed at start, and the most relevant intrinsic and extrinsic factors are reviewed, followed by description of unit operations that control microbial activity via the supply of heat supply or the removal of heat. Operations prior and posterior are presented,...
Nano-Innovations in Food Packaging
Nano-Innovations in Food Packaging: Functions and Applications presents an informative overview and the latest trends of nanotechnology-based packaging in the food industry, a rapidly advancing area with potential for the development of polymer nanocomposites for stronger, lighter, cheaper, more functional, and safer food packaging materials. This volume discusses the advances, functions, and applications of nanotechnology in food packaging as well as the important properties of polymer nanocom...
This publication analyzes the use of clean and efficient cooking technologies in the Philippines and identifies opportunities and challenges to fast-track their uptake. In Asia and the Pacific, 1.8 billion people still rely on traditional cooking methods using fires and solid fuels. The wider uptake of cleaner cooking solutions is vital for achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 7 objective of universal access to modern, affordable, reliable, and sustainable modern energy. It is also import...
“Practically alone among the American writers of his generation, [Sinclair] put to the American public the fundamental questions raised by capitalism in such a way that they could not escape them.” —Edmund Wilson When it was first published in 1906, The Jungle exposed the inhumane conditions of Chicago’s stockyards and the laborer’s struggle against industry and “wage slavery.” It was an immediate bestseller and led to new regulations that forever changed workers’ rights and the meatpac...
This comprehensive work discusses those factors which contribute to the overall quality of the major vegetables grown in North America for the fresh market as well as methods for storing and preserving these crops. The qualities which determine the suitability of a crop for processing is also discussed since the majority of vegetables, with the exception of lettuce and celery, are processed for the retail market. The selection of vegetables is based on their economic importance although several...
Dairy foods account for a large portion of the Western diet, but due to the potential diversity of their sources, this food group often poses a challenge for food scientists and their research efforts. Bringing together the foremost minds in dairy research, Handbook of Dairy Foods Analysis compiles the top dairy analysis techniques and methodologies from around the world into one, well-organized volume. Co-Edited by Fidel Toldra - Recipient of the 2010 Distinguished Research Award from the Amer...
Microbial Biostimulants for Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Bioremediation
Today, the agriculture industry is confronted with simultaneous issues of how to fully embrace mass production of safer food in terms of both quality and quantity. Most industries are concerned with avoiding significant levels of soil pollution and environmental threats as a result of the excessive and harmful use of synthetic products on crops. Therefore, there is a need to adopt sustainable technological innovations that can ensure the sustainability of agricultural production systems. Microb...
Covers developments in food safety and foodborne illness, organizing information to provide easy access to many topics, both general and specific. Comprehensive summaries of important advances in food science, compiled from over 550 sources worldwide, are presented.
Handbook of Food Preservation (Food Science and Technology)
The processing of food is no longer simple or straightforward, but is now a highly inter-disciplinary science. A number of new techniques have developed to extend shelf-life, minimize risk, protect the environment, and improve functional, sensory, and nutritional properties. Since 1999 when the first edition of this book was published, it has facilitated readers' understanding of the methods, technology, and science involved in the manipulation of conventional and newer sophisticated food preser...
Presenting an up-to-date review of the state-of-the-art and main applications of omics technologies to current hot topics in food sciences, this book is divided into four convenient sections. The first section represents an introduction to the development of foodomics and will provide a general overview of DNA-based and protein-based methods. The second section is focused on the main applications of omics to food safety issues, such as chemical hazards, foodborne pathogens, phages, food authenti...
Chromatographic Analysis of Environmental and Food Toxicants (Chromatographic Science, #77)
by Takayuki Shibamoto
Shows how to choose the most effective techniques for assessing the toxicity of chemicals in both food and the environment. examines a wide range of volatile compounds from toxic aldehydes and pesticides to micotoxins and dioxins.
Konjac Glucomannan
In recent years, konjac glucomannan (KGM) has attracted growing attention as a dietary fibre. It is a neutral hydrocolloid with significant health functions. Although relatively little known in the Western world, it has been part of the human diet in China and Japan for nearly two thousand years. Initially, the main source of KGM was Amorphophallus konjac from which the common English name ‘konjac’ is derived. Nowadays, the production of KGM is expanding into SE Asia and more tropical species of...
One Man's Quest to Keep You Safe
by Dale A Seiberling and Bonnie B Daneker