This new volume addresses the global water crisis by presenting new ways to use irrigation water judiciously through innovative fertigation management. It looks at the research and review work done throughout the world on micro irrigation and the techno-economic feasibility of various fertigation irrigation water management systems. Taking a multidisciplinary perspective, the chapters look atusing fertigation to increase the effectiveness of irrigation systemscrop performance evaluation of vari...
This standard describes hydraulic and pneumatic linear and quarter-turn actuators for operation of valves and slide gates in utility systems.
Simplified, approved procedures for lab tests commonly needed for process control in drinking water production.
C509-15 Resilient-Seated Gate Valves for Water Supply Service
by American Water Works Association
This standard describes resilient-seated gate valves with nonrising stems (NRS) and outside screw-and-yoke (OS&Y) rising stems, including tapping gate valves for water supply service. The resilient-seated gate valve has been in service in various water utility applications since 1975.
This standard covers the material, application, and field-procedure requirements for protective exterior coatings consisting of heat-shrinkable cross-linked polyolefin coatings and their application to special sections, connections, and fittings to be used.
Long-term Process-based Morphological Modeling of Large Tidal Basins
by Ali Dastgheib
The study presented in this book is a part of a collective effort to bridge the existing gap of our understanding of morphological behavior of tidal basins between engineering and geological time scales by extending the use of coastal engineering tools (process-based models) to geological time scales. The Dutch Waddenzee is chosen as the case study and the working hypothesis that 'If you put enough of the essential physics into the model, the most important features of the morphological behavior...
This standard sets requirements for all-hazards risk and resilience analysis and management for the water sector and prescribes methods that can be used for addressing these requirements.
UV Disinfection Knowledge Base
by Harold Wright, David Gaithuma, and Mark Heath
Awwa C519-18 High Performance Waterworks Butterfly Valves - 3 In. (75 MM) Through 60 In. (1,500 MM)
Pesticide Risk in Groundwater
Pesticide pollution of groundwater results from agricultural practices, the properties of the substance and its behavior in the soil environment, and the characteristics of aquifers and their vulnerability. Pesticide Risk in Groundwater provides an overview of the main issues concerning pesticide pollution of groundwater worldwide.The book is divided into five sections. Section I reviews experimental data of groundwater monitoring to indicate the extent of the problem on a global basis. Based on...
This standard covers 4-in. through 60-in. (100 mm through 1,200 mm) polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pressure pipe and fabricated fittings.
This standard covers underground installation and hydrostatic testing procedures for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and molecularly oriented polyvinyl chloride (PVCO) pressure pipe and fittings that comply with either ANSI/AWWA C900, ANSI/AWWA C905, or ANSI/AWWA C907.
C110-12 Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Fittings
by American Water Works Association
This standard covers 3- to 48-in. (76- to 1,219-mm) gray-iron and/or ductile-iron fittings to be used with ductile-iron pipe for water.
C504-15 Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves
by American Water Works Association
This standard covers rubber-seated butterfly valves, 3 in. (75 mm) through 72 in. (1,800 mm) in diameter, with various body and end types, for fresh and reclaimed water having a pH range from 6 to 12 and a temperature range from 33 to 125F (0.6 to 52C).
Guidelines of Lake Management
Resolving customer water quality complaints is one of the most important aspects of maintaining a successful water distribution system. Complaint investigation involves not just professional water quality proficiency, but also customer relationship skills. The Water Quality Complaint Investigators Guide covers 90% of the most common complaints from consumers.This revised edition focuses on operational practices and includes two entirely new chapters that address regulatory issues and operational...
The purpose of this standard is to provide purchasers, manufacturers, and suppliers with the minimum requirements for PVCO pressure pipe, 4 in. (100 mm) and larger, for potable water, wastewater, and reclaimed water service.
Biological Wastewater Treatment
by C. P. Leslie Grady, Jr., Glen T. Daigger, Nancy G. Love, and Carlos D. M. Filipe
Following in the footsteps of previous highly successful and useful editions, Biological Wastewater Treatment, Third Edition presents the theoretical principles and design procedures for biochemical operations used in wastewater treatment processes. It reflects important changes and advancements in the field, such as a revised treatment of the microbiology and kinetics of nutrient removal and an update of the simulation of biological phosphorous removal with a more contemporary model. See what...
Dividing the Waters (Technology in Education)
by William A Blomquist
Water Scarcity, Climate Change and Conflict in the Middle East
by Sandra Rucksthuhl and Christopher Ward
The countries that make up the MENA region display wide diversity. One of the poorest countries in the world sits alongside two of the wealthiest, whilst the region's natural resources range from immeasurable oil and gas reserves to some of the scantiest natural endowments anywhere in the world. Yet through this diversity runs a common thread: water scarcity. Now, through the impact of human development and climate change, the water resource itself is changing,bringing new risks and increasing...
This monograph provides comprehensive coverage of technologies which integrate adsorption and biological processes in water and wastewater treatment. The authors provide both an introduction to the topic as well as a detailed discussion of theoretical and practical considerations. After a review of the basics involved in the chemistry, biology and technology of integrated adsorption and biological removal, they discuss the setup of pilot- and full-scale treatment facilities, covering powdered...
International Conference on Clean Water, Air & Soil (CleanWAS 2015)
This book provides interdisciplinary insights on climate, air pollution, waste management, the water cycle and environmental conservation. It reports on novel techniques designed to clean the environment. The title contains a selection of papers presented at the "International Conference on Clean Water, Air & Soil (CleanWAS 2015)" which took place on 28 -30 August in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. CleanWAS 2015 focused on all aspects of the biosphere including natural, physical, chemical and biological...
Mikroplastik in der aquatischen Umwelt (Essentials)
by Kryss Waldschlager
Mikroplastik ist derzeit ein allgegenwartiges Thema in den Medien und wird daher auch in der Bevoelkerung als umweltrelevante Problematik wahrgenommen. Da jedoch viel Halbwissen zur Meinungsbildung beitragt, bereitet dieses essential den aktuellen Forschungstand auf und stellt ihn allgemein verstandlich dar. Angefangen bei den Grundlagen der Mikroplastikdefinition und den derzeit bekannten Quellen uber bisher nachgewiesene Konzentrationen in der aquatischen Umwelt bis hin zu den Senken wird der...