Organic agriculture has gained immense popularity in recent years due to the belief that it is safer and better for the environment and human health because it is inherently free of synthetic chemicals that are often harmful. Demand for organic food touched USD 81.6 billion in 2015 according to Organic Monitor, with the USA being the largest consumer of organic food products. Organic agriculture and consequently, organically cultivated animal and plant products are an important and increasingly...
Organic Farming and Mycorrhizae in Agriculture
Organic farming is a technique of producing crops, in which the use of synthetic and chemical inputs like fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators, and livestock feed additives is avoided. To reduce the harm caused by the indiscriminate use of synthetic chemicals, organic materials such as farm manure, compost, vermicompost, biofertilizer, biopesticide and so on, can be employed, at least as complementary, if not as a substitute. The present book incorporates articles on organic farming, biofe...
Growing Hybrid Hazelnuts
by Philip Rutter, Susan Wiegrefe, and Dr. Brandon Rutter-Daywater
Civilization is facing global threats like never before. Climate instability. Food insecurity. The endangered family farm. Water pollution and scarcity. Mass extinction. Converting agricultural land into more secure, climate-stabilizing, water-filtering, wildlife-harboring farms would be positively transformative. Luckily, there is a way, currently under development, to do just this in many temperate climates: hybrid hazelnuts. Growing Hybrid Hazelnuts is the first comprehensive guide for farme...
"Ecological Aquaculture" offers a design framework for successful ecological aquaculture in all but the most extreme climates and regions. The systems described are not wasteful or polluting; they are self-sustaining.While primarily aimed at people with a freshwater resource who want to make use of it in a sustainable way, "Ecological Aquaculture" is also a work of groundbreaking ideas and practices for those interested in environmental management and aquatic ecosystem enhancement and repair. It...
"This book is what a review should be…a complete book on a hugely relevant topic…It is a preview of a new era in agricultural development that brings excitement and vast potential to tackle the challenge of feeding a growing population sustainably." Review in Bio Based Press "In addition to being well written and structured, this book is edited by some of the most prominent authors in the field of biostimulants…It meets the need for a reliable and comprehensive review on current legislation, ch...
In this practical guide TV farmer Jimmy Doherty imparts his experience and ideas to show you how to achieve the self-sufficient lifestyle and add to your life whether growing for your own pleasure – or profit! Farmer, entrepreneur and TV presenter Jimmy Doherty is living proof that you can successfully grow and rear your own food. Whatever your circumstances and whether you have a window box or a couple of acres, this book is full of ideas and suggestions to help you get started....
Organic Farming (House of Commons Papers, No. 149-I (Session 2000-01))
Future Perspectives for Animal Health on Organic Farms
With a straightforward yet engaging narrative, how-to projects and explanatory photos, this book will teach gardeners some of the old fashioned, low tech and sustainable techniques that have begun to disappear. It features profiles of an older generation of gardeners who still use these skills and profiles of younger gardeners who have resurrected some of them in the past decade.
In Organic Hobby Farming, Andy Tomolonis, a longtime organic gardener, part-time hobby farmer, and award-winning Boston-area journalist, strips down the concept of "organic" and explains why natural farming has emerged as the healthiest and most viable method of growing for hobby farms and other small-scale operations. In addition to the improved taste and the appeal of excluding toxic materials, organic farming benefits farmers, their families, and the environment. It offers economic plusses as...
Advances in Conservation Agriculture Volume 1 (Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science, #61)
"What Dr Samuel Johnson did for English, Professor Amir Kassam has done for Conservation Agriculture (CA). He is eminently well qualified and has enlisted more than a hundred battle-hardened champions to contribute 26 chapters amounting to over a thousand scholarly pages. The content is formidable. Volume one, Systems and Science, embraces: the need for CA; global developments; soil health and landscape management; the roles of minimum soil disturbance, mulch and cover crops; crops and croppin...
Joy of Foraging, The: Gary Lincoff's Illustrated Guide to Finding, Harvesting, and Enjoying a World of Wild Food
by Gary Lincoff