Understanding & Measuring Power
Mod lisation Globale Des Circuits Electroniques Hautes Fr quences (Omn.Univ.Europ.)
by Collectif
Spon's Civil Engineering and Highway Works Price Book 2021 (Spon's Price Books)
Captures real material, plant and labour costs from the UK's major live rail, civils and highways projects. SPON'S CIVIL ENGINEERING AND HIGHWAY WORKS PRICE BOOK 2021 from AECOM gives a full breakdown of labour, plant and material elements, with labour rates updated. Cost guidance is given at a number of levels, varying from the more general functional costs to detailed resource costing; and in conformity with CESMM4 and the Highways Method of Measurement, and updated to the CIJC wage agreement...
2018 Pest Control for Professional Turfgrass Managers
2018 Pest Control for Professional Turfgrass Managers contains the latest information on pesticides used to control turfgrass pests. This volume covers a wide array of topics including commercial turf insects; chemical weed control; tolerance of established cool-season and warm-season turfgrasses to herbicides; controlling broadleaf weeds; turfgrass diseases; nematicides for turf; growth regulators; aquatic weed control; and integrated pest management. Updated annually, this is a valuable resour...
The Comparative Study of Conscription in the Armed Forces (Comparative Social Research, #20)
This volume contributes to the comparative study of military conscription. Issues discussed include: a conceptual clarification of conscription as distinguished from volunteerism and militia service; the emergence of the citizen soldier model; patterns of anti-militarism before World War I; conscription in third world armies; gender-issues in relation to military service; the present phenomenon of child soldiers in Africa; the decline of conscript armies in Western Europe. A review section discu...
Das vorliegende Buch ist aus einer 2-stiindigen Vorlesung mit dem TItel Weitver- kehrstechnik entstanden, die flir Studenten der Fachrichtung Elektrische Nach- richtentechnik im 6. Semester angeboten wird. Wichtige Aufgaben der Nach- richtentechnik sind die Ubertragung, Vermittlung und Verarbeitung von Nach- richten. Aus diesen drei Bereichen wurde bevorzugt die Ubertragungstechnik aus- gewahlt und in einzelnen voneinander fast unabhlingigen Kapiteln behandelt. Dieses Buch ist als eine Kurzdarst...
Mauerwerk - Bemessung Nach Din 1053-100
by Wolfram Jager, Gero Marzahn, and Wolfram Ger
A Study of Length, Longitudinal Stiffening and Size Effects on Grouted Pile-Sleeve Connections
Earth Reinforcement, 2 Volume Set
A two-volume collection of conference papers on earth reinforcement. The first volume is arranged under five categories: testing and materials; embankments; wall structures; foundations; and slopes and excavations. The second volume includes texts of the special and keynote lectures.
Tunnelbau 1998 (Deutsch)
Suite a la Notice Sur Les Grandes Routes Et Les Chemins Vicinaux (Classic Reprint)
by Berthault-Ducreux Berthault-Ducreux
Entwicklung und Validierung des Modells einer Flussturbine als dynamisches Gesamtsystem mit Modelica
by Timo Jurado Ramirez
This book explains how UHF tags and readers communicate wirelessly. It gives an understanding of what limits the read range of a tag, how to increase it (and why that might result in breaking the law), and the practical things that need to be addressed when designing and implementing RFID technology. Avoiding heavy math but giving breadth of coverage with the right amount of detail, it is an ideal introduction to radio communications for engineers who need insight into how tags and readers work....