Let's Review Regents: Global History and Geography 2020 (Barron's Regents NY)
by Mark Willner, George Hero, Mary Martin, David Moore, and Jerry Weiner
The Global History and Geography Regents exam will soon be changing, and Barron's Let's Review: Global History and Geography, 6th Edition, is the book you'll need to prepare for the latest exam. Starting with the June 2018 test, this Regents will have a similar format to the current exam, but it will only test content ranging from 1750 to the present. This edition will cover all of these changes to the exam while reviewing all of the content that you'll need to know to achieve success on this te...
Barron's Regents Exams and Answers: Algebra 2/Trigonometry can also be purchased as part of a two-book set with Barron's Let's Review: Algebra 2/Trigonometry at a savings of $2.99 if books are purchased separately.
Regents Exams and Answers: Physics (Barron's Regents NY)
by Miriam Lazar, M.S. Ed.
Barron's Regents Exams and Answers: Physics provides essential review for students taking the Physics Regents, including actual exams administered for the course, thorough answer explanations, and comprehensive review of all topics. This edition features: Eight actual, administered Regents exams so students can get familiar with the testComprehensive review questions grouped by topic, to help refresh skills learned in classThorough explanations for all answersScore analysis charts to help iden...
Let's Review: Integrated Algebra (Barron's Review Course)
by Lawrence Leff
Cracking the Regents Sequential Math II, 2000 Edition
by Doug French and Douglas French
Global Studies Lesson Plans for Regents, AP and Honors - 2015 Edition
by Arthur H Tafero
Regents Success Strategies Global History and Geography Study Guide
Let's Review Regents: Geometry Revised Edition (Barron's Regents NY)
by Andre Castagna
Barron's Let's Review Regents: Geometry 2021 gives students the step-by-step review and practice they need to prepare for the Regents exam. This updated edition is an ideal companion to high school textbooks and covers all Geometry topics prescribed by the New York State Board of Regents. This edition includes: Two actual Regents exams in Geometry, plus answer keys for each testReview and practice problems for all topics on the exam, including the language of geometry, basic geometric relation...
Spanish Power Pack (Barron's Regents Power Packs)
by Jose M Diaz and Maria F Nadel
Regents Earth Science Power Pack (Barron's Regents NY)
by Edward J. Dennecke, Jr.
Barron's Regents Earth Science Power Pack is the only Earth Science Regents study guide that gives students and teachers comprehensive content review and actual Regents exams as practice. This two-book set provides the key Earth Science content, step-by-step skills review, and real practice that students need to feel prepared for the test. Regents Exams and Answers: Earth Science includes: Five actual, administered Regents exams so students can get familiar with the testComprehensive review que...
Let's Review Physics-The Physical Setting (Barron's Review Course) (Let's Review)
by Miriam A Lazar
Designed primarily to give high school students in New York State extra preparation for the Regents exams, this book reviews all high school level physics topics, including mo-tion, forces and Newton's laws, vector quantities and applications, circular motion and gravitation, properties of matter, electric current and circuits, electromagnetism, waves and sound, light and optics, solid-state physics and semiconductors, nuclear energy, and much more. The book also presents two recent New York Sta...