Regents Exams and Answers: Living Environment 2020 (Barron's Regents NY)
by Gregory Scott Hunter
Let's Review Regents: Earth Science--Physical Setting Revised Edition (Barron's Regents NY)
by Edward J. Denecke, Jr.
Regents Living Environment Review (New York Regents Exam Study AIDS)
by Sterling Test Prep
Regents Exams and Answers: Global History and Geography (Barron's Regents NY) (Barron's Regents Exams and Answers)
by Michael J. Romano
Barron's Regents Exams and Answers: Global History and Geography provides essential review for students taking the Global History and Geography Regents, including actual exams administered for the course, thorough answer explanations, and comprehensive review of all topics. This redesigned edition is up-to-date for the June 2018 test. This edition features: Three actual, administered Regents exams so students can get familiar with the testOne sample Regents Transition Examination that mirrors...
The Princeton Review Cracking the Regents Chemistry
by Nilanjan Sen
Higher Score Guaranteed! Kaplan's guides to the New York State Regents Exams come complete with a comprehensive review of all the tested material plus Kaplan's exclusive test-taking strategies. This powerful combination makes the New York State Regents Exam: Mathematics Course II, Second Edition, a highly effective way for you to score higher on this very challenging test. Are you ready for the New York State Regents Mathematics Course II exam? You will be with Kaplan's proven plan for success....
Regents Biology Exam Secrets Study Guide (Mometrix Secrets Study Guides)
5 real tests with detailed explanations, comprehensive review outline based on the actual N.Y. state syllabus, and targeted practice drills for each content review.
Global History and Geography Power Pack (Let's Review) (Regents Power Packs)
by Mark Willner
The brand-new edition of Let's Review Global History and Geography, described above, can also be purchased as part of a two-book set with Barron's Global History and Geography Regents Exams and Answers. The Power Pack represents a savings of $2.99 when compared to the prices of the books purchased separately.
Let's Review Regents: U.S. History and Government 2020 (Barron's Regents NY)
by John McGeehan, Eugene V. Resnick, and Morris Gall
This updated edition of Let's Review U.S. History and Government provides an overview of American history in its totality, starting with the Colonial era and concluding with recent significant events. This edition presents: Summaries of key topics with maps, charts, and illustrationsReview exercises consisting of questions with answersA detailed chronology of major events in American historyThumbnail biographies of notable AmericansA glossary of history terms and an extensive index Also present...
Cracking the Regents U.S. History and Government (Cracking the Regents Exams)
by Tom Meltzer
Let's Review Regents: Algebra I 2020 (Barron's Regents NY)
by Gary M. Rubinstein