Pick Up Some Balls - A Beginners Guide to Juggling Balls, Clubs and Rings
by Anon
Wake Up Toss Be Awesome Notebook for a Juggler, Medium Ruled Journal
by Useful Hobbies Books
PATHWAYS TO JUGGLING shows how to get started in simple one-ball juggling, progressing to three balls and more; juggling with a partner; and then on to using rings, clubs, devil sticks, plates, diabolos and other objects.
Using the revolutionary Flowmotion system of displaying movement on the page, this is the ultimate guide to juggling. Juggling is great fun. And it never fails to impress an audience. If you can juggle, even with just three balls, you can do something special. Juggling is also a great way to relax., to think, to keep fit, and to develop your co-ordination. FLOWMOTION JUGGLING takes you way beyond just three balls - you can learn how to juggle up to five balls. And why stop there? Try juggling wi...