This easy-to-use manual will be a useful companion for any aspiring or established microlight pilot. It includes straightforward explanations of a wide variety of flying matters such as aircraft and engine technology, air law, meteorology and flying techniques are provided in a simple AZ form. Profusely illustrated with specially drawn colour diagrams, "The A-Z of Microlighting" also includes practical tips for all of the flight exercises in the training syllabuses for both three-axis and flex-w...
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Performance Paragliding - Efficiency in Cross-Country and Competition Flying (Performance Paragliding, #2)
by Maxime Bellemin
"Comprehensive strategies for catching both largemouth bass and smallmouth bass. Also discusses habitat and fish behavior. Detailed how-to photography shows how to put the information into practice. Index"--Provided by publisher.
Pap: Parachuting the Skydivers Handbook
by Dan Poynter and Mike Turoff
If You Don't Like Lizards Then You Probably Won't Like Me and I'm OK With That
by Maryanne a Parks