Transgender Youth
According to the Youth Suicide Prevention Program, more than 50% of transgender youth will have had at least one suicide attempt by their 20th birthday. This data demonstrates a dire need for caregivers, educators and providers to have a better understanding of youths experiencing gender dysphoria (and gender non-conforming youth, who are often mistaken for transgender youth). Presently, our binary society makes the lives of transgender youth more challenging than they need be. Childhood and ado...
Bringing together life advice and gorgeous illustrations inspired by some of the best drag queens from all over the world, this book will have you sashaying your way to success.Whenever you need life advice, just think: WWADQD – What Would A Drag Queen Do? Containing 75 essential lessons, Be Drag Fabulous will show you how to become the most spectacular version of yourself.Containing gorgeous illustrations by Katie Mockridge, this little book of drag wit and wisdom has you covered on all aspects...
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Aging
This edited collection emphasizes the role of social work practice and research related to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) aging. It highlights LGBT aging from a gerontological social work perspective by incorporating key values of the profession such as cultural competence, dignity, strengths, and resilience of the population while it offers an important contribution to the body of knowledge to the interdisciplinary field of aging. This book was originally published as a specia...
In an age when falsehoods are commonly taken as truth, Janice Raymond’s new book illuminates the ‘doublethink’ of a transgender movement that is able to define men as women, women as men, he as she, dissent as heresy, science as sham, and critics as fascists. Meanwhile, trans mobs are treated as gender patriots whose main enemy is feminists and their dissent from gender orthodoxies. The medicalization of gender dissatisfaction depicted by Raymond in her early visionary book, The Transsexual Emp...
Winner of the 2010 Distinguished Book Award from the American Sociological Association, Sociology of Sexualities Section Winner of the 2010 Distinguished Book Award in Latino Studies Honorable Mention from the Latin American Studies Association The Sexuality of Migration provides an innovative study of the experiences of Mexican men who have same sex with men and who have migrated to the United States. Until recently, immigration scholars have left out the experiences of gays and lesbians. In fa...
2021 Lambda Literary Awards Finalist Nepantla Squared maps the lives of two transgender mestiz@s, one during the turn of the twentieth century and one during the turn of the twenty-first century, to chart the ways race, gender, sex, ethnicity, and capital function differently in different times. To address the erasure of transgender mestiz@ realities from history, Linda Heidenreich employs an intersectional analysis that critiques monopoly and global capitalism. Heidenreich builds on the work of...
Hormonothérapie d'affirmation de genre dès la puberté jusqu'à l'âge adulte
by Nina Wissem Htira
Bi: The Hidden Culture, History, and Science of Bisexuality
The life of Gordon Langley Hall was full of mystery and riddled with rumour and scandal. The illegitimate son of two servants at Sissinghurst Castle, (home of Vita Sackville-West and Harold Nicolson), he became the unexpected recipient of an American heiress's millions. He went on to become an author, writing several biographies including that of the eccentric English actress Margaret Rutherford (Miss Marple). But then he surprised his contemporaries by moving to Charleston, South Carolina, havi...
Embodiment and Representations of Beauty (Advances in Gender Research)
Beauty embodiment and representations of beauty are crafted by legitimised hierarchies of power in popular culture, including across fashion, sports, media and social media outlets, and the arts. Informed and guided by an intersectional lens with a focus on underrepresented communities, this volume of Advances in Gender Research foregrounds gender and sexuality to engage with beauty as a site of knowledge creation. Interrogating its very definition, chapters take a revolutionary, intersectional...
A DOROTHY KOOMSON BOOK OF THE YEARAN ECONOMIST BOOK OF THE YEAR'Such a beautiful read, like chatting to a friend over a cuppa. This is the intimate, insightful read that I didn't know I needed. Just brilliant.' Dorothy KoomsonNana Darkoa Sekyiamah spent decades talking openly and intimately to African women around the world about sex. In this book, she brings together their extraordinary stories, whilst also chronicling her own journey towards sexual freedom.From finding queer community in Egypt...
In the postwar decades, sexual revolutions - first women's suffrage, flappers, Prohibition, and Mae West; later Alfred Kinsey, Hugh Hefner, and the pill - altered the lifestyles and desires of generations. Since the 1990s, the internet and its cataclysmic cultural and social technological shifts have unleashed a third sexual revolution, crystallized in the acts and rituals of confession that are a staple of our twenty-first-century lives. In I Confess!, a collection of thirty original essays, le...