Originally published under the pseudonym Leigh Nichols. Reprint. Originally published: London : Fontana, 1982.
Storm Area 51 They Can't Stop All of Us Strategy Handbook
by Love You More Books
In spring 2006, Christine MacDonald left journalism for a dream job at Conservation International, one of the world's largest environmental organizations. Soon after reporting to the group's Washington offices, however, she realized that something is rotten in today's clubby world of conservationists. "Green, Inc." is a riveting account of an eco-warrior's travails at the crossroads of the nonprofit and corporate worlds. Environmental NGOs that once dedicated themselves solely to saving pandas a...
A mesmerizing mix of Charles Bukowski, Hunter S. Thompson, and Philip K. Dick, Chameleo is a true account of what happened in a seedy Southern California town when an enthusiastic and unrepentant heroin addict named Dion Fuller sheltered a U.S. Marine who'd stolen night vision goggles and perhaps a few top secret files from a nearby military base. Dion found himself arrested (under the ostensible auspices of The Patriot Act) for conspiring with international terrorists to smuggle Top Secret mili...
Witness to Roswell - 75th Anniversary Edition
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In Standard Operating Procedure, Philip Gourevitch (author of We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families ) and Errol Morris (director of The Fog of War) have produced the first full reckoning of what actually took place at the now-notorious prison camp in Iraq. Here are revealed the stories of the American soldiers who took and appeared in the haunting photographs from Abu Ghraib that shocked the world. Drawing on Errol Morris's startlingly intimate interviews bot...