Creating Citizenship Communities: Education, Young People and the Role of Schools
by Ian Davies, Vanita Sundaram, Gillian Hampden-Thompson, Maria Tsouroufli, George Bramley, Tony Breslin, and Tony Thorpe
Life Chances in Turkey (Directions in Development. Human Development)
by Jesko Hentschel, Meltem Aran, and Raif Can
Essays on Medieval Childhood
History of Childhood (Condor Books)
from the Foreword: Possibly the heartless treatment of children, from the practice of infanticide and abandonment through to the neglect, the rigors of swaddling, the purposeful starving, the beatings, the solitary confinement, and so on, was and is only one aspect of the basic aggressiveness and cruelty of human nature, of the inbred disregard of the rights and feelings of others. Children, being physically unable to resist aggression, were the victims of forces over which they had no control,...
Rituale sind als korperliche Auffuhrungen konstitutiv fur den schulischen Alltag. Eingebettet in spezifische szenische Arrangements, sind sie wesentlich an der Hervorbringung und Bearbeitung des komplexen Spannungsfeldes von institutioneller Ordnung und innerschulischer Peergroupkultur beteiligt. Die qualitativ-rekonstruktiv angelegte empirische Studie fokussiert als Schlusselsituation den Ubergang von der Hofpause zum Unterricht und untersucht die hier beobachteten, vielfaltigen rituellen Praxe...
Boats in the Attic is a sweeping, poignant exploration of what it means to be an individual and, in particular, what it means to be a parent of young children, in our current time of crisis. Errands must be run, the radio plays, and the child wants the birthday girl’s balloon-- all while sea levels are rising and wild wolves roam the acres of Chernobyl, “developing a cryptography to a century / to which we are not invited.” In this dynamic collection, Powell intersperses lyric flight and prose f...
Lost Freedom: The Landscape of the Child and the British Post-War Settlement
by Reader in History Mathew Thomson
Colin Heywood's classic account of childhood from the early Middle Ages to the First World War combines a long-run historical perspective with a broad geographical spread. This new, comprehensively updated edition incorporates the findings of the most recent research, and in particular revises and expands the sections on theoretical developments in the 'new social studies of childhood', on medieval conceptions of the child, on parenting and on children’s literature. Rather than merely narratin...
Globalisation,Development and Child Rights
by Bupinder Zutshi and Kailash Satyarthi
Involved Fathering and Child Well-Being (Parenting in Practice)
by Elaine Welsh, Ann Buchanan, Eirini Flouri, and Jane Lewis
This book is based on original research which shows how better father-child relationships can be encouraged by enhancing a whole family's well-being. It points to a holistic approach to interventions, where parents understand the impact of their behaviour on children. In doing so, they can build mutually-supportive relationships, and fathers can develop confidence in their parenting and communication skills.
Symbolic Childhood (Popular Culture and Everyday Life, #5)
This book empowers parents, educators, and counselors to prevent youth violence by teaching the thinking skills necessary for children and teens to deal with anger and frustration in healthy, productive ways. A longtime psychologist and counselor - as well as parent and past teacher - Jones-Smith offers research and vignettes to recognize the growing problem of youth violence, understand its causes, and help adults closest to children know techniques to nurture non-violence as a way of life. She...
Medieval children lived in a world rich in poetry, from lullabies, nursery rhymes, and songs to riddles, tongue twisters, and nonsensical verses. They read or listened to stories in verse: ballads of Robin Hood, romances, and comic tales. Poems were composed to teach them how to behave, eat at meals, hunt game, and even learn Latin and French. In Fleas, Flies, and Friars, Nicholas Orme, an expert on childhood in the Middle Ages, has gathered a wide variety of children's verse that circulated in...
Young Enough to Change the World
by Michael R Connolly and Brie K Goolbis
Integrated Systems Model for Preventing Child Sexual Abuse
by Adele D. Jones, Ena Trotman Jemmott, and Priya E Maharaj
Funny Questions To Educate And Entertain Kids Aged 6-12_ Edition 2020
by Alex Aderholt