-- With a foreword from Jan Jaap de Ruiter. Translation and Afterword by Adi S. Bharat. -- In Homosexuality, Transidentity, and Islam: A Study of Scripture Confronting the Politics of Gender and Sexuality, Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed systematically analyses the entirety of Islamic scriptural sources that relate to the question of gender and sexuality in relation to their historical contexts. Through an approach that is certainly more politically engaged than that of most Islamic thinkers of our time,...
Dalit Theology after Continental Philosophy (Postcolonialism and Religions)
by Y.T. Vinayaraj
This book, steeped in the traditions of both postcolonial theory and Continental philosophy, addresses fundamental questions about God and theology in the postcolonial world. Namely, Y.T. Vinayaraj asks whether Continental philosophies of God and the 'other' can attend to the struggles that entail human pain and suffering in the postcolonial context. The volume offers a constructive proposal for a Dalit theology of immanent God or de-othering God as it emerges out of the Lokayata, the Indian mat...
Soft Patriarchs, New Men (Morality and Society Series (CHUP))
by W. Bradford Wilcox
In the wake of ever-changing family values, how have the stances of evangelical and mainline Protestant churches toward marriage and parenting influenced the husbands and fathers that fill their pews? To answer that question this work examines the ideologies produced by Protestant churches since the 1950s. According to W. Bradford Wilcox there are fundamental differences between the family ideologies offered by evangelical and mainline churches. But these do not translate into large differences...
American politics is increasingly driven by apocalyptic rhetoric. Highlighting possible adverse consequences of such politics for our freedom and quality of life, the book suggests alternative policy agendas, religious and philosophical discourses, cultural framing and modes of daily living
Die Vorstellung vom Reich Gottes ist in der Theologie des 19. Jahrhunderts eine allseits prasente, in der Forschungsliteratur gleichwohl nur marginal beachtete. Die vorliegende Untersuchung widmet sich diesem Leitmotiv der Theologie des 19. Jahrhunderts wie auch seinen gesellschaftlichen und sozialpolitischen Verflechtungen. Zu diesem Zweck wird das Oeuvre dreier Theologen exemplarisch herangezogen, namlich dasjenige Isaak August Dorners (1809-1884), Johann Tobias Becks (1804-1878) sowie Franz...
This book allows the reader to have an overview of the relations between religion and economics throughout history. It starts with the beginnings of early modern humans, when dreams (of dead ancestors), animism, synchronous movements and a propensity to exchange, led to the emergence of religion, which then contributed to the coordination and pooling of labor and to the definition of groups. This book surveys the various roles played by religion in economic life through the ages, which include t...
This book studies values and attitudes in the Gulf region. In light of global power shifts, the threatening collapse of internal security in the West, and uncertainty about the current leadership vacuum in world society, this book explores a future leading role of the Gulf countries in such institutions as the G-20 and the OECD. Based on rigorous analysis of macro-level data and opinion surveys with relevance for the Gulf region, it analyzes the global macro-factors shaping the Gulf's future at...
Prophetic Politics (Touchstone Books (Paperback))
by Maurice Cranston
Salvation and Suicide (Religion in North America) (A Midland Book, #690)
by David Chidester
Discusses Jim Jones' techniques, describes the world view of his followers, and offers a religious perspective on the mass suicide incident.
Membralite Ecologique Des Etres Dans La Theologie Chretienne Et Dans La Pensee Bantoue (Europaische Hochschulschriften / European University Studies / Publications Universitaires Europeenn, #908) (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #908)
by Paulin Monga Wa Matanga
La problematique ecologique mondiale defie l'homme et son action. La destruction de l'environnement qui s'accentue laisse poser une question de fond, celle de savoir comment l'homme peut s'y prendre pour garantir sa vie presente et future, car les consequences nefastes qui decoulent de cette destruction se repercutent sur l'homme lui-meme et hypothequent son avenir. L'auteur propose a ce que l'homme se comprenne a nouveau, comme essentiellement un etre-membre, qui vit en interaction avec d'autre...
Religion and Education among Latinos in New York City (Religion in the Americas, #3)
by Segundo Pantoja
This volume explores the role of religion in the educational achievement of Hispanics. In particular, it assesses the influence of religion on parental involvement in children's educational experiences. The book compares Catholic and Protestant parents' opinions and practices against the backdrop of socio-economic factors, such as levels of income and schooling. In its examination of the relationships between family, church and school, the study explores how religion and other cultural traits su...
Ausgehend von der These, dass es sich bei den Neuen Religiosen Bewegungen nur um die Spitze des Eisberges eines viel breiter angelegten Protestpotentials handelt, werden Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zu Neuen Sozialen Bewegungen hergestellt. Das besondere Anliegen der vorliegenden Untersuchung besteht zum einen im Aufzeigen kultureller, religioser und sozialer Zusammenhange, zum anderen im Aufdecken verzerrender Klischees und Vorurteile, die sich nicht nur in Etikettierungen wie -Jugendreligi...
-Gemeinde- In Gemeinde (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #230)
by Ingeborg Hoffmann
Es wird heute gesellschaftliches und christlich-kirchliches Handeln auseinanderdividiert. Die These dieses Buches lautet: christ- lich-kirchliches Handeln ist zugehorig zur Sozialstruktur des Wohnviertels. Die Bevolkerung ist das Grundelement eines Wohnviertels: Der Mensch ist es, der ein -Lebenswissen- braucht, welches Geburt, die Grenz- situationen des Leben und den Tod mit einschliesst. Die Mitte des -kontemplativen- und -aktiven Lebens- in der -Gemeinde-, welche in das Wohnviertel ausstrah...
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (Routledge Classics) (Counterpoint S.)
by Max Weber
A brilliant book which studies the psychological conditions which made possible the development of capitalist civilization. The book analyzes the connection between the spread of Calvinism and a new attitude toward the pursuit of wealth in post-Reformation Europe and England, and attitude which permitted, encouraged-even sanctified-the human quest for prosperity.
The Sociology of Religion (BSA New Horizons in Sociology)
by Dr Grace Davie
Раскольничьи дела XVIII столетия. Том 2. Schismatic cases of the XVIII century. Volume 2 (Russian History Books)
by Г. Есипов
American Sociology of Religion (Religion and the Social Order, #13)
by Anthony Blasi
This is a collection of histories of various aspects of American sociology of religion. The contributions range from descriptions of early dissertations, accounts of changes in theoretical conceptualization, the evolution of studies of particular denominations, to the rise of new areas of inquiry such as globalization, feminism, new religions, and the study of the religious traditions of Latino/a Americans. Taken as a whole, the volume complements rather than duplicates commemorative issues of t...
Eastern Christians in Anthropological Perspective (The Anthropology of Christianity, #9)
Sociocultural anthropologists have taken increasing interest in the global communities established by Roman Catholic and Protestant churches, but the many streams of Eastern Christianity have so far been neglected. "Eastern Christians in Anthropological Perspective" fills this gap in the literature. The essays in this pioneering collection examine the primary distinguishing features of the Eastern traditions - iconography, hymnology, ritual, and pilgrimage - through meticulous ethnographic analy...
Religion and Political Conflict in Latin America
The authors examine popular religion as a vital source of new values and experiences as well as a source of pressure for change in the church, political life, and the social order as a whole and deal with the issues of poverty and the role of the poor within the church and political structures. Exploring areas from Nicaragua, El Salvador, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, and Chile, the authors analyze the transformation in popular religion and reevaluate the growth of grassroots organizations. |Winner...
The Real Stories behind Honour Killing
Honour killing, as it is widely understood, is the cold-blooded murder of a woman or a man involved with her, by the male members of her household in order to cleanse the reputation of the family, clan, community or tribe. This violent tradition in the name of religion, custom and culture continues to be carried out in a significantly large part of the world. The majority of people still believe that honour killings happen for reasons such as marriage from choice or a love affair of a kinswoman,...
In the Beginning (H. Eugene and Lillian Youngs Lehman)
by Michael Lienesch
Reaching back to the origins of antievolutionism in the 1920s, and continuing to the promotion of intelligent design today, Michael Lienesch skillfully analyzes the creationism movement, one of the most formidable political movements of the twentieth century. With fresh insights, Lienesch retells the story of the 1925 Scopes 'monkey"" trial and reinterprets its meaning. In tracking the movement from that time to today, he explores the rise of creation science in the 1960s, the alliance with the...