Mindful of the tunnel vision sometimes created by the privileging of 'hybridity talk' and matters of culture in discussions of texts by minority writers, Delphine Munos in After Melancholia reads the work of the Bengali-American celebrity author Jhumpa Lahiri against the grain, by shifting the ground of analysis from the cultural to the literary. With the help of psychoanalytic theories ranging from Sigmund Freud through Andre Green and Nicolas Abraham to Jean Laplanche, this study re-evaluates...
Enslaved Lives? (New historical perspectives on migration)
by Crispin Bates and Marina Carter
An introduction to the fundamental changes in 19th-century India which contributed to the flow of labour out of the subcontinent, this book focuses on the nature of labour mobilization/immobilization and the reorganization of the Indian labour market in the colonial period, and the consequent Indian diaspora. The story begins in the mid-18th century, outlining the change in society and political economy of early-colonial India that helped to create the labour force required by the plantation and...
"Humane yet often horrifying, Tell Me How It Ends offers a compelling, intimate look at a continuing crisis-and its ongoing cost in an age of increasing urgency." -Jeremy Garber, Powell's Books"Valeria Luiselli's extended essay on her volunteer work translating for child immigrants confronts with compassion and honesty the problem of the North American refugee crisis. It's a rare thing: a book everyone should read." -Stephen Sparks, Point Reyes Books"Tell Me How It Ends evokes empathy as it educ...
Arab migration is not just a feature of recent instabilities in the Middle East. The Lebanese and Syrians have a long established history of migration to Africa, North and South America as well as Europe, while North African Arabs have long established links to France. The Yemeni community in Britain is one of the most established and yet least known of all migrant groupings. Yemenis began settling in British ports at the beginning of the 20th century, and after World War II they became part of...
Building Noah S Ark for Migrants, Refugees, and Religious Communities (Contemporary Anthropology of Religion (Hardcover))
Brucken in Eine Neue Welt (Ausstellungskataloge Der Herzog August Bibliothek, #76)
Transnationalitat ALS Ressource?: Netzwerke Vietnamesischer Migrantinnen Und Migranten Zwischen Berlin Und Vietnam
by Antonie Schmiz
Changing Demographics in India's Northeast and Its Impact on Security (First)
by Ashwani Gupta
The European Football Championship (Football Research in an Enlarged Europe)
The UEFA European football championship was the first European mega-event to take place in post-socialist Europe. Taking this as a departure point, this volume focuses on football as a realm of constructing and negotiating identities using rich ethnographic fieldwork and in-depth media analysis.
Pass the British Citizenship Test: Teach Yourself (Teach Yourself General)
by Bernice Walmsley
Pass the British Citizenship Test will enable you to pass the test which will allow you to apply for for indefinite leave to remain or naturalisation as a British citizen. Covering everything from the application and what you need to know to practice questions and what comes after the test, this book will prepare you for the whole process. NOT GOT MUCH TIME? One, five and ten-minute introductions to key principles to get you started. AUTHOR INSIGHTS Lots of instant help with common problems and...
Medieval Space (Lund Studies in International History S., v. 34)
by Dick Harrison
Labour Migration in Europe Volume I
In this book, Fauri and Tedeschi bring together contributions that outline the movement of job seekers and ethnic minority entrepreneurs in Europe, to analyse the overall impact of different forms of migration on European economies in the last 100 years. Contributions address a broad range of themes, from the motivations of migrants and the process of their integration into their destination country, to their overall social and economic impact onto said country at a structural level. In address...
Institutionelle Diskriminierung
by Mechtild Gomolla and Frank-Olaf Radtke
Unterscheiden und Bewerten Diskriminieren heisst Unterscheidungen treffen und sie bewerten. Jede Unt- scheidung, wie die zwischen 'oben' und 'unten', 'innen' und 'aussen' oder 'aktiv' und 'passiv', fuhrt eine leichte Asymmetrie mit sich, weil - konte- abhangig und kontingent - eine Seite der Unterscheidung gegenuber der anderen bevorzugt wird. In der Philosophie und der Erkenntnistheorie w- den 'Unterscheiden' und 'Bezeichnen' als Grundoperationen behandelt, die bei der Beobachtung der 'Welt' un...