Approximately 99.9% of vertebrate species reproduce sexually. The exceptional 0.1% reproduce via asexual or clonal means, which vary wildly and are fascinating in their own right. In this book, John C. Avise describes the genetics, ecology, natural history, and evolution of the world's approximately 100 species of vertebrate animal that routinely display one form or another of clonal or quasi-clonal reproduction. Approximately 99.9% of vertebrate species reproduce sexually. The exceptional 0.1%...
The Age of Fable; Or, Beauties of Mythology
by Thomas Bulfinch and John Loughran Scott
David Robbins published his first short story at 19 and his first book 25 years later. In 1986, for The 29th Parallel, he was awarded South Africa's prestigious CNA Literary Award, after having been shortlisted with Christopher Hope and J M Coetzee. Since then he has published extensively on southern African themes, becoming established as a writer of extraordinary perception in the literary travel and short fiction genres. In 1995 he published the first of two travel books covering 22 countries...
Dwellers of Memory is an ethnographic study of how urban youth in Colombia came to be at the intersection of multiple forms of political, drug-related, and territorial violence in a country undergoing forty years of internal armed conflict. It examines the ways in which youth in the city of Medellin reconfigure their lives and, cultural worlds in the face of widespread violence. This violence has transgressed familiar boundaries and destroyed basic social supports and networks of trust. This vol...
23 Problems in Systems Neuroscience (Computational Neuroscience)
by Leo Van Hemmen
The complexity of the brain and the protean nature of behavior remain the most elusive area of science, but also the most important. van Hemmen and Sejnowski invited 23 experts from the many areas-from evolution to qualia-of systems neuroscience to formulate one problem each. Although each chapter was written independently and can be read separately, together they provide a useful roadmap to the field of systems neuroscience and will serve as a source of inspirations for future explorers of the...
Indigenous Peoples and Democracy in Latin America
On January 1, 1994, the most indigenous Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN) launched a revolt in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas, protesting centuries of discrimination, violence, appalling living conditions and diminishing economic prospects. This single event catapulted to the consciousness of the international community the frustration and growing militance of indigenous peoples throughout Latin America. This book, commissioned by the Inter-American Dialogue, a policy institution...
Homo Sapiens, A Problematic Species examines how Western culture has understood and continues to understand what it is to be human. This book features reflections on mythical thought and its logic and contrasts it to the Western conception of man as expressed in philosophy from antiquity to the twentieth century, its main sources being Christianity and the idealistic tenet in antique Greek philosophy. The author stresses the necessity to break away from a religious and metaphysical perception of...
Minibeasts On the Move (Comparing Minibeasts)
by Charlotte Guillain
Acorn books provide carefully levelled non-fiction to introduce key curriculum concepts. This series introduces minibeasts by looking at their different life processes. Includes notes for parents and teachers.
Altagyptische Heilverfahren, romische Essgewohnheiten, Material und Herstellung von Kleidung, Rechtsprobleme romischer Handlerinnen, Steuererklarungen von Haushaltsvorstanden, Sport... Experten verschiedener Fachrichtungen haben ihre spezifischen Quellen ausgewertet: private Aufzeichnungen auf Papyri ebenso wie Schriften der Kirchenvater, Kleinfunde aus kyprischen Grabungen, Mumien und Bilder auf griechischen Vasen. Daraus entstand ein fundiertes und gut lesbares Kompendium zur antiken Sozialges...
Over the course of four centuries, a handful of states at the western edge of Europe set their mark on the peoples of four continents. Their weapons were cunning and breathtaking courage, ingenuity and endurance, steel and cordite - and treasury and disease. Their stories have been presented as epics of exploration and adventure, and as squalid displays of colonial exploitation. Whereabouts, on that spinning axis, does the truth lie? Mark Cocker examines four collisions- the conquest of Mexico,...
Intelligence of Apes and Other Rational Beings
by Professor Duane M Rumbaugh and David A Washburn
Examines the creation of totem poles from the Tlingit settlements of Alaska to the Kwakiutl villages of Vancouver Island.
How do climate and the Earth''s magnetic fiel d affect our lives? Author and poet Jean Edmiston draws on a wide range of ancient texts and examines myths, rituals and legends, to explore the effects of magnetism on human being s. '