Handbook of Hydraulic Engineering (Ellis Horwood series in civil engineering)
by A. Lencastre and P. Holmes
Hydraulics and Pneumatics (Engineering Training Guides)
This workbook is designed specifically for employees entering the construction industry and has been reviewed and updated with input from construction and training professionals. This edition includes more activities and has been updated to reflect changes in the workplace as well as laws that affect workplace behavior. A new module entitled First Impressions: Getting a Job that features tips on finding a job, interviewing, filling out applications and resume writing. Instructor Supplements...
This exceptionally produced trainee guide features a highly illustrated design, technical hints and tips from industry experts, review questions and a whole lot more! Key content includes Intermediate Trade Math, Field Sketching, Intermediate Blueprint Reading, Specialty Tools, Millwright Power Tools, Rigging, Setting Baseplates and Soleplates, Lubrication and Introduction to Bearings. Instructor SupplementsInstructors: Product supplements may be ordered directly through OASIS at http://oasis.p...
Environmental Hydraulics
Raw and treated liquid waste is routinely disposed of in nearby bodies of water. The disposal method can be as important as the treatment process with regard to maintaining a healthy water quality. Improper liquid waste management can result in an excess of nutrients, heavy metals and toxic organics which can have serious effects on human health. Low levels of dissolved oxygen caused by the oxidation of ammonia and the decay of algae can compromise the suitability of deeper waters as a fish habi...
Hydraulic Engineering
This volume provides a forum for the advancement of scientific knowledge and engineering practice areas related to hydraulics and hydrology. Among the broad range of issues discussed are exclusive economic zone hydraulics, hydraulic data acquisition and display and innovative hydraulic structures. Other topics include hydraulic and hydraulic extremes, designing stable channels, and highway drainage.
Proceedings of the Twentieth Mill Research Conference
by N. Roberts, A.A. Bryan, Shelia Burden, O. Ward, P.B. Bryan, P Filby, L. Bonwick, R Cookson, and D.H. Jones
Essential Fluid Dynamics for Scientists (Iop Concise Physics)
by Jonathan Braithwaite
Compressed Air-brake Systems Symbols (Bosch Technical Instruction S.)
by Robert Bosch
Mitteilungen Des Hydraulischen Instituts Der Technischen Hochschule Munchen
Flood Hazard Management: British and International Perspectives
In some important respects floodplain management and flood hazard research is different in Britain from that in other countries. This collection of papers from a conference provides some comparisons. It covers urban flooding, institutions and policy, land use policy, hazard response, and project appraisal and risk assessment.
Hydrosystems Engineering and Management
by Larry Mays and Yeou-Koung Tung
This text brings together the use of economics, operations research, probability and statistics with the use of hydrology, hydraulics and water resources for the analysis, design, operation and management of various types of water projects. The text is divided into three parts: Principles, Water Supply Engineering and Management, and Water Excess Engineering and Management.
Functional Specifications: Electro-Submersible Pumps
This text on intermediate fluids is aimed at the civil, agricultural and oceanography markets. It gives a grounding in fluid mechanics, including systematic and parallel development of the equations of fluid mechanics in integral and differential form. There is also extensive coverage of free surface flow. The book's applications are directed at shallow-water hydraulics, oceanography and wave mechanics, circulation in large bodies of water and transport. Examples, problems and historical notes a...
Electrics Versus Hydraulics Versus Pneumatics (IMechE Conference Transactions, 1985-11)
Novel, Integrated and Revolutionary Well Test Interpretation and Analysis
by Freddy Humberto Escobar Macualo