Neuroscience and the Person (Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action/Vatican Observatory)
This collection of twenty-one essays explores the creative interaction among the cognitive neurosciences, philosophy, and theology. It is the result of the fourth of five international research conferences co-sponsored by the Vatican Observatory, Rome, and the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, Berkeley. The overarching goal of these conferences is to support the engagement of constructive theology with the natural sciences and to investigate the philosophical and theological elements...
Neural and Metabolic Control of Macronutrient Intake
When an excessive proportion of the human energy requirement is derived from fat, the likelihood of obesity increases. Any such individual is at risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease- grave and costly health hazards. The selective control of fat ingestion is a promising solution to these concerns. Existing data suggests that macronutrient intake can be manipulated. Further research is working to create pharmacological tools that will suppress fat consumption. It will also be possible to f...
A breathtaking exploration of the power of our brains to bring order and creativity to the universe In 2014, Duke University neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis designed a robotic suit which enabled Juliano Pinto, a young Brazilian paraplegic, to kick off the ceremonial first ball of the World Cup--using only his mind. In The True Creator of Everything, Nicolelis offers a brand new theory that both explains how he accomplished this near-miraculous feat and demands a total reappraisal of the brain's...
International Review of Cytology (International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology) (International Review of Cytology)
This serial presents current advances and reviews in cell biology - both animal and plant. Articles address structure and control of gene expression, nucleocytoplasmic interaction, control of cell development and differentiation, cell transformation, and growth. Coverage has been expanded to include molecular biology applied to cell biological systems, cell-cell interactions, cell surface and receptor phenomena, and other areas. Special topical volumes in areas of particualr growth and interest...
The Structure Of The Brain; How To Understand And Cultivate Intellectual Power
by Albert Wilson
Offers a program designed for teens and adults that reveals how to train the brain for a lifetime of success.
Molecular Basis of Olfaction (Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science)
by Richard Glatz
The scope of this volume of Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science includes the molecular regulation of olfactory processes in vertebrates and insects including detailed discussion of olfactory proteins, signaling cascades and olfactory receptor modeling. In addition, because insect olfaction is an important and emerging field, it is also discussed in the context of key research questions such as disruption of host-finding by insect disease vectors, elucidation of the diverse ra...
Electroencephalograms (EEGs) are becoming increasingly important measurements of brain activity and they have great potential for the diagnosis and treatment of mental and brain diseases and abnormalities. With appropriate interpretation methods they are emerging as a key methodology to satisfy the increasing global demand for more affordable and effective clinical and healthcare services. Developing and understanding advanced signal processing techniques for the analysis of EEG signals is cruci...
Gap Junctions in the Mammalian Brain
Comprised of chapters by leaders in research on connexins, the structural and functional properties of gap junctions, and the roles of electrical synapses in the mammalian brain, this text introduces novel ideas about the functions of gap junctions. Topics covered include molecular biology, structure, diversity, regulation, and distribution of connexins in the brain, as well as the importance of gap junctions for glial regulation of brain metabolism and roles of electrical synapses in specific c...
The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates
by George Paxinos and Charles Watson
The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, Fourth Edition, is a comprehensive revision of the most authoritative and widely cited atlas in neuroscience. In addition to the completely revised coronal diagrams, the Fourth Edition contains thoroughly revised sagittal and horizontal diagrams of the brain. High-quality photographs accompany each diagram.
Religion, Neuroscience and the Self (Routledge Studies in Neurotheology, Cognitive Science and Religion)
by Patrick Mcnamara
The purpose of this book is to use neuroscience discoveries concerning religious experiences, the Self and personhood to deepen, enhance and interrogate the theological and philosophical set of ideas known as Personalism. McNamara proposes a new eschatological form of personalism that is consistent with current neuroscience models of relevant brain functions concerning the self and personhood and that can meet the catastrophic challenges of the 21st century. Eschatological Personalism, rooted...
Beyond the Self (Beyond the Self) (The MIT Press)
by Matthieu Ricard and Wolf Singer
Buddhism shares with science the task of examining the mind empirically; it has pursued, for two millennia, direct investigation of the mind through penetrating introspection. Neuroscience, on the other hand, relies on third-person knowledge in the form of scientific observation. In this book, Matthieu Ricard, a Buddhist monk trained as a molecular biologist, and Wolf Singer, a distinguished neuroscientist -- close friends, continuing an ongoing dialogue -- offer their perspectives on the mind,...
Recent breakthroughs in biology and neuroscience reveal that the human brain is primed for selflessness. But how do biology, upbringing, and outside influences intersect to produce altruistic and heroic behavior? And how can we encourage selflessness in corporations, classrooms, and individuals? Using dozens of fascinating real-life examples, science journalist Elizabeth Svoboda explains how our genes compel us to do good for others, how going through suffering is linked to altruism, and how act...
Is Taichi Chuan anything more than an exotic form of soft gymnastics, for the wellness of elderly people? The answer is definitely 'yes', and this book shows that it can be used as a master key to open doors of communication between Western and Eastern cultures, along the re-opened Silk Road. In the Chinese tradition, this carefully-coded physical activity is defined as meditation in motion, a deep concept that highlights the fundamental unity of body and mind, at the individual level, and the p...
A wide-ranging view of the interactions of neurons and proteins that build the brain. The author describes the laying down of cabling in the central nervous system, how environmental factors such as diet and pollutants can influence the growth of the brain, and the mystery of imprinting and early learning. The book is more than a construction guide to the human brain. It also delves into the brains of other species, revealing the remarkable evolutionary additions that enable them to cope with su...
A major update and revision of the essential program for reading problems at any level, incorporating the latest breakthroughs in science, educational methods, technology and legal accommodations. 'Sally Shaywitz is an amazing woman... no one has a better understanding of dyslexia' - Bob DylanDyslexia is the most common learning disorder in the world, affecting one in five individuals. Now Drs Sally and Jonathan Shaywitz give us a substantially updated and augmented edition of her classic work,...